I'm having another giveaway. I made this lil' autumn leaves mat out of wool. The leaves are hand~dyed and really add to the look of fall. If you would like to enter just leave a lil' note here on this post giving a short note about what you enjoy about fall days. If you don't have a blog be sure to leave an email address so I can notify you if you win.
I'll draw a winner on Saturday, October 31st....
Autumn days to me are cool, crisp days with leaves falling and the smell of wood burning. Wonderful smells of baking cookies, pumpkin bars, and hot apple cider.
Happy Trails....Ginger
That certainly looks like real fall leaves!
ooooh what a cute mat... your work is always great.
Let's see Fall to me is snuggling under a quilt, lighting a fire in the fireplace, raking leaves, baking and the smell of cinnamon, raking leaves, decorating for the upcoming holidays, raking leaves. I love this time of year.
Oooh Ginger I'm your first person...we don't do autumn in sunny North Queensland!! We go from really hot weather to just a little coolish winter! Just a light coat sort of thing! However the changing leaves and colours always look good in the pictures! Does this count as an entry in your giveaway? Rainbow smiles from Gloria
It is beautiful. Please add me to the draw. There are so many things I love about fall - the colors, the crunch of leaves under my feet, the cozy sweaters to wrap up in, comfort foods - hearty stews, gravy, baking pies......I could go on and on.....
Ginger, it's just beautiful! It looks a lot like my backyard right now... covered in leaves and for sure my favorite thing about fall. Although the pumpkin bread I plan to bake today is pretty great too!
Thanks for a chance at your handmades!
Have a great week... my youngest has come down with 'the' bug this morning so it could be a long one around here!
i love the sense of cool rest and simultaneous re-energizement after the hot summers
OH I love the colors of those leaves. So pretty. Put me in for a chance to win.
And yes, I love that fall smell outside of wood burning
I love the colors,the leaves,the pumpkins and all the animals getting ready for the winter.
Loving the mat. I love autumn because of the colors, the temperature, but especially the scent.
The rug is beautiful with the Leaves! S_kane@sbcglobal.net
Wow, how lovely, thank you for your generosity...I love the temperature of fall days! what a wonderful respite from the hot, hot, Texas summer.
I can't believe how REAL those wool leaves are on your mat! Beautiful! The thing I love most about fall days is the cooler/colder temperatures. I don't do well with the heat of summer at all, so I always welcome the change of weather and look forward to being more comfortable!
A very pretty fall rug!!! I love fall, the blustery days with leaves falling makes me want to hunker down and create...my favorite time of the year!
Found your blog thru Tomatoe Creek Prims. Your handiwork is beautiful!
Fall to me is the change in the temps, the leaves changing, the smell of woodsmoke in the cool, crisp air and the coziness of my home.
The cool undertone to the days, the crisp blue sky with trees in wonderful shades of orange and red, the crunch of leaves underneath your feet. Fall is absolutely the best season of the year! ANd your mat represents the glorius colours perfectly. Please enter me!
This is my first visit to your site! I love all your rug hooking and wool mats! Just beautiful!
I would love to be entered in your drawing for the Autumn Leaves Wool Mat!
The bottom left leaf looks just like the leaves falling from our big tree in the front yard! Our tree is always the last one to lose its leaves in the fall here on our street, and that is one of my favorite things about fall!
What a pretty fall mat!
Fall to me, is the beautiful leaves falling all over the yard and the kids crunching in them, a warm house to come into and the aroma of something sweet baking in the oven.
It's beautiful, and looks like the leaves around my neighbourhood.
Please enter my name in your draw.
Those leaves are wonderful! They are colored perfectly! And Fall? My favorite time of the year, and no matter how old I get, I will remember raking leaves into piles and then jumping in them....and then we raked them into piles in the gutter, (city living here)...and Dad came home from work and lit a match...and they would smell.....so....just "Fally"....(that of course when you could light a fire in the gutter in the city!) Mmmmmm, can still smell 'em!
Fall and Halloween are my favorite time of year! Love the smell from the leaves on the ground and the wood smoke in the air. Please add me to your giveaway, it is lovely. tjlburke at gmail dot com
OH ME ME ME!!! I love this Ginger! How have you been?You have done a wonderful job on this and I love it! Please put my name in and thanks and have a blessed day!
Like many of the others, I simply love the beautiful range of colours of Fall/Autumn - it's quite magical! I would love to be entered in your draw please.
I have said several times over the last week that I think this is the most beautiful fall I have ever seen! The weather is perfect and the colors are breathtaking.
I love falling leaves especially when the kids are playing in them! Cooler weather is a plus. Happy Fall!!
take care
That is so beautiful. You did a wonderful job on it. The leaves are perfect!! Please add my name to the drawing. Thank you.
Those leaves look so real!! It's beautiful. Living on a farm, my favorite thing about fall is harvest. Always so happy when it is done and everyone is safe. Thanks for a great giveaway.
That is stunningly beautiful! I've necer seen anything quite like this...real leaves? Interesting!
Fall to me means preparing to have family coming in and out during the holiday season. Sharing the secrets of gift buying for the small children. something I love preparing for each year.
Oh, fall is wonderful, isn't it? the sky is so blue and the leaves are so colorful, and the air is so cool - I love it! Thank you for hosting such a wonderful giveaway!
Beautiful mat, Ginger! :) I would love to have a chance to win.
I love Fall days because they get dark earlier. It may sound funny... but I think it is cozy... dark, cool, and snuggled in the blankets. :)
Nothing, I want summer back, lol.
I do love fall though, the cooler air and the leaves turning, has a magical feel about it.
I just love that mat and those leaves, they look so real, would love to see a close up of how you did them.
Oh how beautiful! Love it :)
Please enter my name in the drawing...
What a beautiful fall mat! The leaves look so real!
Fall is my favorite season. I love the crunch of the leaves and find myself picking up so many every year each more beautiful than the last :)
Blessings, Patti
I love your blog! Please enter me into your drawing! Thanks, Amy amydhay@gmail.com
Ginger, I can't believe those aren't real leaves on your mat. How gorgeous!!!!
Fall is my favorite time of year! I love the crisp, clear blue skies, picking apples, lighting scented candles, raking & playing in the leaves with my daughter, etc. Also, our anniversary is 10/27--another reason to love the season!
I love that mat!! You did a beauftiful job.
I love the colors of Fall the most and it seems like a more relaxed time of year. I love getting out my slipper and hot cocoa when the mornings are chilly.
Thanks, Kim the prim schoolmarm
I would be so very happy to win your wool mat!!!!! Thanks!
HI Ginger
Fall is my favorite time of year. I love the crunch of the leaves as you walk throught them. I love the colors and crisp coolness of the air. We live in PA and have great season changes here. The colors of the pumpkins,Indian corn and mums are spectacular. I can't think of too much I don't like about fall.
Your mat is gorgeous. Please enter me in your drawing.
Beautiful! I love fall for the cooler weather and inspiring colors I wish I could recreate. Fall has a smell of its own, clean and crisp, with hints of fires burning. Please include me in your drawing.
Oh my goodness. Please enter me in your drawing. What do I like best about Fall-your mat says it all, cool days and leaves changing color, falling gently to cover the earth in an array of brilliant colors. My favorite colors are fall colors!
They look real! And I love everything with Fall colors! Thanks for the wonderful giveaway! Happy Fall!
Oh what a beautiful little mat--the leaves look real! While spring is my favorite season, I love the colors of the leaves as they turn. To me it is such a bittersweet season--full of beauty, yet a little bit of sadness knowing that we are headed into the long dark days of winter.
Your mat is so beautiful. Please enter me...
I love the leaves falling like rain, the chance or real rain here in the 'high desert, putting the garden to bed while dreaming of next springs' planting. Finishing harvesting, canning making juice and jams from the gifts of the summer, the cold nights which unravel into warm days and a respite from the heat of the summer. And settling into my knitting chair in the warm fall sunrays stitching loving thoughts into Christmas gifts for family and friends. kiwilynnjatyahoodotcom
I love the smell of wet fall leaves! I know it is weird but I have such happy childhood memories of jumping in damp fall leaves! Please enter me in your beautiful give-away!
Oooohhhh Ginger! That mat is gorgeous! I love it.
I think fall is my favorite season. I love the leaves changing color, the smell of wood burning, the sounds of the crisp leaves under your feet, pumpkin patches, hayrides, hot mulled apple cider, all the fall festivals...I could go on and on. hahaha!
Thanks for posting such a fantastic giveaway!
I've had to take several looks at the mat, as the photo makes them look real! I would love a chance to win it. There's more leaves on the ground than on the trees right now. But, it makes for a nice walk with crunchy leaves!
I would love to be entered in the give away. Fall is my favorite season. Love the cool crisp air, and when I drive down the road , how the leaves blow up behind the car and swirl around in the air.
Hi! Ginger ~
Your work to sooo pretty!!
I love Autumn for a lot of reasons, cooler weather, the beautiful colors the trees turn (all of which are my favorite colors!),the glorious harvest of the hard work all summer long, and looking forward to the holidays ahead!
Come on over to visit my new blog and join in on my giveaway :)
Beautiful mat Ginger! The leaves look so real! I guess I like Autumn for the welcomed cooler air (after a hazy, hot & humid summer), brilliant colored leaves against a sparkling clear blue sky, and lightly frosted nights with the icy white of the moon shining down and casting shadows... ahhhhhh!
I would love if you could enter me in the wonderful giveaway!
What I love about fall is picking apples with my Honey and children,going on hayrides ,having hot cider, and then going home and making apple pies.
I love taking rides with my Honey and seeing all the beautiful colors of the trees and breathing in that crisp fall air!!
God Bless
and just satred a blog
Great giveaway! Fall is my favorite time of year because I really like the colors of nature.
Lovhave e those leaves. In West Texas, we don't have those beautiful leaves.
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