It's time for another giveaway! I designed and made these Five little wool penny ornaments and I want to send them to someone for your little Christmas tree!
I will be giving away one set of finished ornies to the 1st place winner, one kit to make these ornies to the 2nd place winner and then because I want everyone to be a winner you can find the pattern listed below and you can make some yourself! The winners of the drawing will be announced the evening of November 9th. If you don't have a blog just leave me a email address just in case your a winner!
If you want to enter the drawing here's what you do. Just leave a comment of your favorite Christmas memory, family tradition, or even just a favorite Christmas song.

You can click on the pattern and copy it....just reduce or enlarge it to where the penny circles are 3 inches across.
Supplies you will need:
wool or felt
12 x 14 piece of black for penny circles
various scraps 3 inches or smaller
matching threads for applique
embroidery floss or #10 crochet cotton ~off white
sm. amount of black, orange, & red embroidery floss
8 tiny rusty or plain jingle bells
(5) 7 inch strips of ribbon or wool for hangers
freezer paper and a warm iron
Trace patterns onto freezer paper and iron shiny side down onto wool or felt.
Cut out on line. Pull off freezer paper (you can reuse the freezer patterns if you want to make more)
Applique each piece in place as pictured. Be sure to tuck the layered pieces such as the hat & scarf for the snowman in place before sewing.
Overlay the white pieces for the cuff on the mitten & stocking and stitch in place.
Add details with embroidery stitches~~~The cat eyes are French knots, straight stitch the nose and whiskers. The snowman has french knot eyes and mouth with little straight stitches for the nose.
Place a black penny to the back of your appliqued penny place a hanger at the top and blanket stitch around the edge. You can add feather stitches around the motifs if you like.
These make wonderful little Christmas ornies or gift tags.
Happy Trails.....Ginger
Ginger, I would love to be entered for your drawing. Your ornaments are darling. I was just thinking that if I began right now ... maybe next year I would have enough to cover my tiny personal tree. That would be so pretty.
Thanks so much for sharing your pattern and instructions. What a nice gift!
One of our favorite Christmas traditions is "brother's night" on Christmas Eve. That is the night that our 3 boys exchange their little gifts for each other. It is a chance to share their love with each other and focus just on each other without getting lost the festivities of the Christmas Day. It has truly become a very special part of Christmas for both Jeff & I and our boys.
Wishing you joy,
Sign me up for your give away please. Love them!!!! You always create the neatest things.
I do need new ornaments for my tree, it has been awhile since I have had new ones. I got my finger and toes crossed.
These are soooo very cute! You are so kind to give us all your pattern too.
My favorite things to do at Christmas is Christmas Eve candle light service at chruch with family, and then Christmas morning mom would make a wonderful Christmas brunch with things like fresh fruit and quiche. This year we will not be making it home for Christmas, husband is in the Navy and we are stationed in Texas so it will be just the two of us in Texas this year.
My favorite Christmas memory is of my Mom wrapping presents while listening to " Pretty Paper" a Christmas song by Roy Orbison- it was her favorite. My Mom passed away last Dec. 17th and I miss her dearly!
I would love to be entered in your contest! I have always wanted to try penny rugmaking!
What a wonderful giveaway!! Please enter me in!!
One tradition we have in our family is we get new pj's every Christmas Eve so we are wearing new ones on Christmas morning!!:0) Take care!~Wendy
What a lovely give away!! My favorite Christmas tradition is the specila candle ornaments we had on the tree. They were hollow card board so I could hide a note in each one. Both kids had their own candle and own note with clues to wear a special gift was hidden. They now have those ornaments and their significant other puts a note in it. When I passed the tradition on, I gave them special candles that come on a dark so they could leave it in their window and always a light to guide them home.
My favorite Christmas tradition is reading the Christmas story out of the book of Luke and then eating the birthday cake for Jesus that we have made together earlier in the day. Thank you for the wonderful give-away! Please enter me in the drawing.
Oh please pick me!
One of our traditions is a "Christmas Vacation" night... yes, we are a truely warped family!
Everyone tries to come in costume (one year my dad was Uncle Lewis, with a stogie and burnt up suit jacket), we do food like in the movie (green jello with cheerios instead of cat food on top, wrapped in a Christmas box anyone?), and our centerpiece is a huge tangled ball of the large Christmas lights (got a little knot here, Russ. It's a little dangerous, but so cool!
If I win this giveaway, I will even post a picture of my hubby dressed as Eddie, in the scene where he's emptying the rv's tank into the storm sewer... he'll kill me, but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make! pick me!
Love you little ornies, thank you so much for the patterns. They are perfect for little gifts for my online friends.
One of my favorite christmas memories is,one year when I was a child we when to my grandma and grandpa's house.That year there were so many kids that Santa tyed a string from each kids gift to their stocking so we knew what toy was who's.
Oh what a wonderful giveaway!!!
Please do enter my name in the drawing :)
Our Christmas every year is spent the same way...Christmas Eve we get ready and go to the early mass for children and listen to my oldest sing in the Church Choir. She always has a solo to sing which makes it extra special. Once mass is over we go to my In-Laws for some wonderful homemade chicken stew and some other wonderful goodies. We then settle in with the whole family opening gifts. It is so fun watching all the little kids gather under the tree opening their gifts. We normally get home quite late so we hit the hay...oh and can't forget Santa drops by also. We end up getting up around 6:30 in the morning to see what Santa dropped off and the gifts we purchased or handmade just for out sweet little family. After lunch we go to my side of the family to celebrate yet another Christmas gift opening and some wonderful food. The girls think they are so special because they have three opening of gifts. But this way here each family gets their special bond time with the young ones. It has worked so well for us doing it this way that we don't think we would change a thing.
These ornaments are so cute! Thank you.
My favorite Christmas memory is going to Christmas Eve service, driving around looking at Christmas lights and then having an italian Christmas dinner which always included italian wedding soup...yummy!
These are adorable!
My favorite Christmas memory was digging out my moms Gurley candles the day after Thanksgiving and setting them up like a little village! I would beg her from Nov 1st to let me get them out so I could "play" with them. She would make me wait. As soon as I got them all set up my brother would come and knock them all down. Over the past few years I have started my own collection of these little candles when and if I come across them.
now this is so sweet!!! thanks for a great giveaway!!
i love the song, "silent night" and i always let the girls open a present on christmas eve. they get a box with new pajamas and something "extra" in the box. i told them new pj's make for great christmas dreams. :)
We always watch Christmas Vacation while putting the christmas tree up. count me in for those ornaments please! also thanks for the pattern. kim
Your ornies are adorable! and how sweet of you to be giving all of us the pattern :)
One of my favorite Christmas traditions is spending a quiet day watching old classic movies like "It's a Wonderful Life" and "Miracle on 34th Street".
Thank you for the giveaway fun! :) and please come visit me to enter my giveaway!
What darling ornaments!!! Thanks so much for the pattern! One of my favorite memories is the gathering to make Norweigan Lefse and Krumkake with my Mom and my aunt. My Mom is gone but my grown kids and us continue to do it....we have flour everywhere!
Those are so cute Ginger! I have so many great memories, it was hard to pick a favorite, so I will tell you my favorite song -
Silent Night
The ornaments are so cute. My favorite Christmas memory is the village and the little train that was set up under our Christmas tree. It was such fun just laying on the floor looking at the things in the village and watching that little train go around in a circle under the tree.
Hello!Found your giveaway though Lea of farmhouse blessings. I guess my favorite tradition is making gingerbread cookies with my kids:)We always have such a great time.Hope your having a blessed Lords Day!!!
Ginger, the ornaments are adorable. Would love a chance to win them. I have many happy memories with my family growing up, but now that I'm married with my own family, one of the nicest traditions we've had for the last 21 years is celebrating Christmas Eve with my mother in law at her house. Not only is it Christmas Eve, but it is my husband's birthday. We have always kept it that way and won't change it.
Those are adorable. I'd love to win! I've never made penny rugs myself, before, but with your patterns, I'm inspired to consider it!
Every Christmas, our family gets dressed and goes out to breakfast. It's a tradition which began on a fluke one year. My mom and I were going to fix Christmas dinner in the evening that year, so we decided we'd all go to breakfast so no one would be starving all day as the house was filled with cooking smells. The next year, we decided we'd go back to having our Christmas meal at lunch, but the kids all clammored to do it the way we had before, with everyone going out to breakfast together, and the tradition was born.
One year, my daughter who was sixteen at the time, had begun her first job, waitressing at a Golden Corral. She'd just worked her first week and had a pocketful of tips. She insisted on paying the bill for us all that morning. It wiped out her first week's wages, but she didn't care. She felt so good to be able to treat us all. She even gave the waitress a ten dollar tip (this was 9 years ago!). Everyone got blessed that day!
Hey Ginger. Another great giveaway. Thank you sooo much and for the pattern to. I will have to give it a try.
Let's see, family tradition: Christmas Eve, we go to my Nannie's house for supper and get to open presents there. Then it's home. Christmas Day, we get up and go back to Nannie's for breakfast and get Santa Claus (stockings). After that we go to my parents house for gifts and Santa, to my brother's house, then home. Around lunch time or so we go to the in-laws and have lunch, supper, presents, music, singing. We have alot of fun.
I would love to be entered in your giveaway. I don't have a specific memory in mind but my favorite thing at Christmas is our family all getting together and sharing a meal and just being together.
You are so talented & generous! I'm gonna accept the pattern... but please don't enter me in the drawing because you have already done so much for me, my friend! Thanks for the pattern!
My favorite holiday tradition is wearing new PJ's to bed on Christmas Eve - it just wouldn't be the same without the smell of fresh flannel! LOL
Please enter me for this wonderful giveaway and thank you so much for the pattern. I hope I can make some for myself. Christmas is a special time for me. Santa always left presents unwrapped when he came and that tradition has followed my children and now grandchildren. It's funny how he wraps some gifts for some families and doesn't for others....just traditions carried on!
I've just found your blog and I love it! And only a month ago I made my first wool project and I think I'm in love. Can't wait to do more. Thank you for the patterns - I will definitely use them. Christmas favorite - the year I snuck around, looked under my momma's bed and saw all my Christmas presents. I learned a lesson that day - I didn't really want to know ahead of time. Surprises are so much more fun. :) blessings, marlene
Cute ornaments!!
When our girls were little, we always went home for Christmas. "Home" was Tulsa. Santa always had to make sure he brought things that would fit in the car, hidden in large trash bags. At that time, I always thought how nice it would be to just stay at our home for Christmas one year. That time eventually came and now I miss those family trips "home" and especially the family members who are no longer with us.
Wow Ginger! Thank you so much! I win either way! I'll be printing the pattern to try with my own hand...
My favorite Christmas memory still continues. I have a Fontanini nativity that started the year we were married and continues to grow. Our sons have always "helped" to set it up. Now that they are 11 and 14, I thought they were too old to help, but the tradition continues :) The nativity now covers a kitchen size table and we enjoy unwrapping each piece together.
Blessings, Patti
I would love to be entered in your giveaway! Here is my favorite Christmas memory...
Each year on Christmas Eve my grandmother would take me to her Mother's house to get our gifts from her and my aunt and on the way home we would always listen to the Sleigh tracker on the radio and I would sit on my knees looking out the window trying to spot Santa
My Mom always filled our stockings when we were kids, as we got older we filled one for her. It was fun to watch Mom open her stocking each year. She was like a kid, we also put an orange in the toe just like she did to us.
Please enter me into the drawing.
Please enter me...I really do love them:)
HI Ginger..
Those ornaments are just the cutest. Hope to win them but thank you very much for the pattern in case I have to make my own. You have such a God given talent and are just so generous.
Memories are made every year for me. Our son, daughter, all the in-laws, & all the grandchildren meet at our home to exchange gifts & enjoy a wonderful time together. This year we have a new little one joining us...our first GREAT GRANDSON. We have a wonderful family and just enjoy each other. But this will be my first Christmas without my precious mom. So while we have added one this year, we also have lost one of our loved ones. But, isn't that what life is...a baby is born, & a life ends. God blesses us in many ways.
Thank you, Ginger, for being a blessing to my life.
wow what a neat give favorite Christmas song is "Silent Night"..please enter me in your give away sweetheart....This is so very kind of you hun..and wow how talented you are.... thanks for the free pattern as well....
Please enter me in your great giveaway. My favorite Christmas memory is that when we were growing up, my grandparents and aunt and uncle would come to our house on Christmas Eve and share Christmas with us. We always ate ham sandwiches before opening presents. I'm having a fall giveaway on my blog. Stop in and join.
What a lovely and beautiful giveaway, I will make a pattern but who knows if I can accomplish what you have done!
Smiles, Cyndi
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