I have received an award thanks to my good friend Betty of primitivebettys
What a nice surprise! You'll find that Betty is a very talented and giving person. When you find a moment be sure to stop by her blog and you'll find her creating all kinds of things that are absolutely darling! She can make the tiniest stitches....
Okay here are the rules that came along with the award and since this is my first try at this here goes...
1. The winner may put the logo on her blog.
2. Put a link to the person you got the award from.
3. Nominate 5 blogs
4. Put links to the blogs.
5. Leave a message for your nominees.
JoEllen of Befruitfulkreations
Kim of Simple~Needs
Cyndi of Wooly Lott Rugs
Terri of Thistle House Primitives
Lea of FarmHouse Blessings
Now when you find a spare moment stop by and visit these gals that I have listed. They will surely brighten your day when you stop in and see what they have been up to.
Thank You Betty for this special award!
Happy Trails....Ginger
Oh Ginger ~ thank you so much for honoring me with this award. Your comment at my blog today just blessed my heart.
Was I surprised when I read your profile that you enjoy needle punch. I just began my very first project today and already I think I've found a new creative love! What fun? Where has it been all my life?
I am looking forward to reading more of your blog. I already see lots of subjects in your sidebar that I can't hardly wait to get to.
Blessings & joy,
Thank you so much for the Kreativ blog award. It was so sweet of you to choose me to honor with this award. I have been enjoying your blog this morning.
Have a blessed day.
JoEllen of BeFRuiTFuL KReaTioNS
Thanks, Ginger for the Kreativ blog award! I enjoy visiting your blog for glimpses into your world and seeing your beautiful creations!
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