Don't you just love AUTUMN!
We will be leaving on vacation soon...and I can hardly wait. We will be traveling to the New England States and the colors there during the Autumn season are breathtaking!
We will travel to Vermont, New Hampshire, and make our way to Cape Cod. Just a relaxing time together exploring antique shops, a few quilt and rug hooking places, and of course Danny just loves clam chowder so we will be finding lots of wonderful places to eat!
I stitched up this plain and simple pumpkin penny rug...nothing fancy at all! I used some wool from my scrap basket and put it on some hand~dyed prairie cloth and I want to give it away to one of you. I'm also including a quaint little tart warmer that says Olde Crow Inn and some wonderful cranberry tarts.
All you have to do is leave a comment " a cherished thought of your childhood".
Here is one of mine~
When I was a little girl we lived in town. We had a big pecan tree on the side of the house and us girls would watch in awe of how our Dad would shimmy right up that big ol' tree. He would climb far up into the tallest of branches and go out onto one of the limbs. Then he would hold on and begin shaking and jumping on the thing you know the sky was raining down pecans everywhere. Then he would come down fast as lightening and we would help him gather up the pecans. Mom would shell them and we would try to eat them as fast as she shelled them. With 4 girls it was hard to get ahead. She would keep on working and before you know it mmmmhhhh...homemade pecan pie!
I'll announce the winner of the fall giveaway on Thursday evening Sept. 25th and if you don't have a blog just leave me an email address just in case your the winner!
Happy Trails....Ginger
Hey Ginger, what a great memory about your Dad and the pecans.
As a child my Papa would do fields and fields of gardens. Strawberries, corn, veggies. As a child I can remember the corn fields the most. During the summer I would always get up early so he could pick me up on the tractor and head out to the field. I use to love to ride in the trailers they would fill with corn. I can remember the morning glories everywhere. I loved pickin corn the most. Once we got our trailer full we would come home to count out dozens and dozens of ears of corn. I would always make the little marks when they would count. 10,11,12, 1. 10,11,12, 1. It was so much fun for me back then.
Oh Ginger! Take me with you on your New England Getaway!!! I just LOVE Vermont... and clam chowder too! :)
I guess the best autumn cherished childhood thought is being able to skip two days of school to help my Grandmother make fresh pumpkin pies for Thanksgiving! We'd walk to the farmers market and pick out a couple of cinderella pumpkins, and when we got back home it was time to start roasting them in the oven. My job was to mash the pumpkin and pour spices into the mix... Grandma would be the taster and always knew exactly when to stop adding the spices! Her home always smelled sooooo wonderful! We usually turned out a dozen homemade pies... When it was time to get back to school after the Thanksgiving Holiday... all the teachers would be waiting for their pies!
Here's one of mine!
I am one of 6 sisters, and when the corn was tall in the field we would play hide-and-seek running around all through it trying to find each other. We would throw dirt balls high in the air to hint to each other where we were. When the farmer would come in and harvest the corn he would leave 2 wagons by the barn for my dad to empty into his corn 'cribs'. We loved to climb up into the wagons and help push the ears down the shute- it was more fun to slide down the slanted sides when the wagons were getting empty. When Dad needed feed for the cows, it was our job to climb up into the cribs walk around to push the corn out the shute into the burlap sacks Dad would hold at the bottom so he could load them up and take them to the mill to be ground up for feed. I still remember the smell of the corn in the cribs and the burlap sacks...
Remembering the first time that I learned to blow bubbles with gum! I danced naked in front of the TV to show all! (No this was not yesterday! I was about 4! LOL)
Well, I didn't live on a farm, but did work on one packing corn into crates. But my fondest memory was on Christmas Eve when my Dad came into our bedroom (my brother and I shared a room), and he sat down and cried and told us that it wouldn't be a big Christmas for us that year. His job always went on strike at that time of the year. It was the only time growing up that I saw my Dad cry. The last time I saw him cry was at my Mom's funeral. It was the Christmas that I will never forget. I actually spoke of that moment at his Funeral. Thanks for making me reflect on it again.....
One day, when I was about 6 or 7, I was sitting on the potty when I heard some strange music coming from outside. We lived in a tiny town way out in the country, so I knew that it couldn't be the ice cream truck, but had no other frame of reference for what I was hearing. I, of course, pulled up my little panties as fast as I could and ran to the window to see.
And what was it, you ask?
My parents, who had very little money, had bought an old upright piano from our church as a surprise for us kids, and a few of the men had loaded it up into the back of a pickup truck, and they were sittin' on the sides of the truck bed just playing away as they drove through town.
But the best part of the story is that I now have that very same piano sitting in my hallway. It is a cherished heirloom, and even more so because of my memory from the day we first met.
When I was little Thanksgiving was the best. The smells of a Thanksgiving dinner cooking and our Uncle Norman. My father would make the stuffing and cook the turkey, this day every year was the only day I ever remember my father cooking. All 8 of us kids would get so excited about Uncle Norman coming to visit. He would tell us stories about him growing up on a farm. He would only come visit on Thanksgiving day. If I remember right, I think it was because he lived so far away. I found out years later that he wasn't a relative but a good friend of the family. But to me he will always be my Uncle Norman and I miss him especially at Thanksgiving.
I would love to share my fall memories with you....
Growing up my parents ran a flea market on the outskirts of town and my stepdad also sold seasonal produce and such, and when fall came around he would buy gourds and pumpkins by the truckload but we had to go into the fields and pick it ourselves. So when it was time he would take me and his grandkids(he was a lot older then my mom so his grandkids were my age)and load us up in the big truck with some buckets and we would drive to the place that he bought it from. He would give us each a bucket and tell us that we got 50 cents for every full bucket.We would run around of course trying to see who could get the most.After we were done we would drop the other kids off and go back home to unload.We lived right in front of the flea market.And I guess I always loved the smell of the crisp air and the conversations me and him would have as we unloaded the whole load just me and him. I would line the pumpkins up in rows so perfect because I always wanted him to be so proud of me.Now that he is gone I sure do miss that I wont be able to share that with him anymore so I hope to take my 3 boys and do the same with them!! This was such a wonderful idea for your giveaway I'm really happy to look back on these wonderful memories and read everyone elses to!!
What a wonderfully sweet giveaway!
One of my fondest memories involves baking in the kitchen with my mom and little brother. We'd pull our chairs up to the kitchen counter and mom would have an equal number of jobs for both of us... ending with a delicious batch of homemade cookies. To this day, baking is a comforting activity for me and my kids now help me. And, miraculously, the number of jobs is always equal.
I hope you'll enjoy your New England adventure. I grew up in Western MA and now live in Midcoast Maine.
What to share...
The first one that came to mind was during the Summer months I would come and stay a few weeks with my paternal grandparents who to me were like my second set of parents. I would hear the dring, dring noise...guess who was coming??? Grampie and I would go running outside to catch the ice cream man. Just about everyday I would have some form of a cold treat. I was very much spoiled by my Grampie. Just before he passed away, he started yelling for me to hurry because the Ice Cream man was coming. That will always stay in my memory. For me, the meaning of this was that he was thinking of me before he passed on. I had many good times with my Grampie...I sure miss him and only wished that my girls could of met him. But I talk of him often so they know that he was a great man :)
Please enter me in your wonderful giveaway. I have alot of great memories but one that stands out to this day is visiting my sister when I was about 11 or 12 in Ohio, she lived amongst the Amish. Another little girl and I would ride the back rodes on our bikes past all the Amish farms, even back then I loved it...just beautiful.
You will love the new England states I've been to Vermont, NH and Boston Mass.
I going to try this one more time.
I lived in the city as a child but we had a big yard with lots of big oak and blackjack trees.In the fall we had to rake the leaves into piles to be burned.My sisters and I would work for hours raking the piles and then running and jumping into the leaves.Then Dad would get home from work and say it was time to set the fire.I think that was what I love the most.Not sure if it was the smell or the warmth I liked best but I still love starting a fire.
What a wonderful story you shared.
One of my fondest memories is of those times when it would storm and our electricity would go out. Mom and Dad would lite the oil lamps. Then we would set around and they would tell us of stories of when they where little kids.
My Dad told us that he remembered when they got electric at the farm and how he would run and pull the light cord as he was jumping into bed. He was the youngest of 13 kids and was afraid of the dark.
How did I miss your blog for so long! Love it!
I cherished walking home for lunch and on cold days mom serving a hot bowl of soup and putting our jackets in the dryer so they would be toasty warm when we went back out to school.
I live in Central MA. You''' love NE in the fall!
Ginger, you and hubby are so fortunate to have the opportunity to see New England in the fall. Will be anxious to hear all about you trip.
Now about that childhood memory... hard to remember that far back!! Guess I am getting too old. But,I do remember spending time with my maternal grandmother making doll clothes. She was a very resourceful and talented woman. It was she who helped me hand quilt my first quilt. Another fond memory I have is spending a couple of weeks each summer at my paternal grandparents farm down by Alex, OK. I trekked all over that farm. Would spend hours playing in the barn's loft. Many times there would be a cousin staying there also,and we would swim in the creek and catch minnows in a quart jar. My grandparents didn't have indoor plumbing at the time so water for baths had to be carried inside and trips to the outhouse were quite an experience for this little city gal. Thanks for encouraging me to try to remember some of my childhood...hadn't thought about some of these things in a long time.
Ginger, What a sweet know I'd love to win!!!
A couple of things come to mind...
when I was a wee little girl we lived with my Mom's Dad...I called him Da...guess, since Mama called him Dad...I thought that was his name! Anyway...we lived a few blocks away from an A&W rootbear stand...Da and I would walk down for a treat...I loved those little baby mugs!
Da re-married and we moved to our own was across the street from a cemetary...quiet...and not creepy like some would was a fun neighborhood with loads of kids. In the fall the crew would rake the leaves into long usually took them a few days to come back and pick them guessed it...we all had a great time jumpin' and playing in the leaves! I still remember that earthy smell...Oh I love Autumn!
Hope you have a glorious time in New England...the perfect time to visit there!
Laurie ~ woolyredrug
Glad I came across your site from the Olde Prairie Register. Love that penny rug. Thanks for offering the giveaway. So many wonderful childhood memories come to mind & the older I get, btw, I'm another year older today :) the more cherished they seem to me!
What a wonderful memory you shared. Mine was in the summertime, every year I got to go to my aunt & uncle's house for a week. They had 4 girls and we would always have so much fun. They lived on a farm and we would roam the fields, play games, ride our bikes & my uncle always took us fishing in his boat at least twice during the week.
When we lived in California for a few years we would drive up into the Sierra Nevada foothills to find a Christmas tree and go sledding. I loved walking through those huge pine trees and sledding down the big hills.It didn't snow in the area that we lived so driving up into the mountains where there was snow was very fun for us.
Oh...a cherished memory....I have tons...but one that pops up right now is when my sister and I were little...(my dad owns his own garage)...when he had all the bays (stalls) open in his garage, he would let us ride our bikes in there in the evening. We just thought that was soooooo great! LOL And some nights we would order pizza in and eat out there at the garage too....I miss to cry now! LOL
Thank you for a wonderful giveaway!:)
I am not trying to add a second can erase this comment..but i wanted to let you know, i tried to check out your ebay rug hooker's site...but when you click on the messes up. You need to change the link and make sure there is only one http:// in it. :) Have a great day!
You're so lucky to be a "leaf peeper" in New England - it's a dream of mine to do that some day!
I grew up in the Sierra Nevada mountains near Lake Tahoe, and it was before the days of snowblowers. So you can imagine how often us kids had to clear the driveway (and sometimes the roof) using snow shovels. Believe it or not, I LOVE shoveling snow still here in Utah!
Hi Ginger I live in Vermont, I hope you enjoy your visit here!! Fall is beautiful here!:0)
One of my fondest memories is going to the flea market with my dad. One time I was admiring a small glass boy playing the accordian and the woman gave it to me!!! Have a great weekend!~Wendy
My childhood memory:
We had 3 large cherry trees, my father had a large backhoe. We would get into the front bucket with our pails and he would lift us high up into the trees to pick the cherrys. We spent hours filling our pails and having so much fun. My dad made everything fun.
Your vacation sounds perfect. Enjoy the beautiful colors of Autumn and find a special treasure.
Yes, I love Autumn.
Growing up in Las Vegas, we really didn't have a fall, but a child, Halloween was looked forward too, it was a simple treat back then. Your blog is delightful, I"ll be back, please enter me in your lovely giveaway! Thanks!
Hi Ginger, what a great childhood memory.
I guess my all time favorite childhood memeories were always the holidays. Thanksgiving and Christmas were the best, because my dad was always home and we would get to be a family. Why you ask? My dad was a long haul truck driver and I would go months without seeing him as a child. But I could count on him being home with us then. We always put up our christmas tree on Thanksgiving weekend. We were a family. Which is a tradition I still carry on today. Decorate my tree every Thanksgiving weekend.
Thanks for sharing!
when were little one christmas my mom wrapped our presents in newspaper and twine..oh my gosh it took forever to open them all up..and I took my sweet time as I never wanted it to sister tore through hers and then started on mine..I stopped her of a wonderful giveaway...please count me in...have fun in the new england states..I would love to see that part of the world again especially in the fall..:)
What a nice give-away, and such a nice memory.
When I was 5, my mother didn't have a lot of money for Christmas presents and especially not for food. Christmas is a big thing in our house and first time she wasn't able to provide necessities like food for Christmas dinner, and that Santa wasn't coming this year. Our local church had found out, and came to our home with a wonderful Christmas dinner with all the trimmings and presents from Santa for me and my brother. That was one of the best Christmas's I've ever had because it brought or family closer together and closer to God. As a adult I realize how blessed we were to have such wonderful people looking out for us and how kind people can be, and how God is and always will watch over us. I still have the dolls that were given to me all those years ago, waiting for my grandchildren...
Thanks for letting me share.
I don't know how I've missed your blog! I love it and am saving it to my blogroll! Makes me wonder how many more great blogs I'm missing out on! lol!
I would love to be entered in your giveaway!
I have the best memories of my grandparents' home at East Lake....I did my best imaginative play there! They had a huge wooden porch that was built up on a would go down a level...then another to head down to the dock. I would pretend that was my big beautiful home...multi-leveled (lol!). It had beautiful flower boxes full of grandmother's flowers and beautiful furniture. It had different doors (where the steps came up) had the long walk leading up to the "front door". I have many memories of fishing off that dock....playing gas station with my brother...lots of good memories from their home on East Lake!"
Welcome to New of my favorite family vacations we took was when I was in high school and we went to Maine in a pop up camper at the end of summer for a week. We pick blue berries, ate lobster (which yes we can do here in CT) and spent the whole time just hanging out as a family. It was one of our last vacations as a family as I soon graduated and went into the Army. I miss my childhood!!!
Love your give is a funny memory.
Our parents were having a family reunion at our house and my sister and I were 4 and 5. My dear aunt, an avid smoker, threw down a cig, butt and walked away. My sister and I decided to get it and give it a try so we picked it up and ran beside...the gas tanks !!! to give it a smoke. Oh how we laugh about it now. Dianntha
What a great give away and all the memories you and all have shared. One of my favorites from Christmas Eve when my dad would go off for the paper and when he was gone Santa would show up. We would always tell Santa to stay but he needed to run since his reindeers where waiting. When my dad came back from getting the paper, funny they were always sold out. we would scream how he missed Santa again. Every Christmas we relive the old days and my parents being 87 years young enjoy the memories.
Thanks again for the smiles that you have given all of us.
My fondest memory was going to my grandparents home for Thanksgiving and Christmas. I was raised in the "city" and my grandparents lived on a 125 acre farm outside of Charlottesville Va. I remember the old smoke house,walking in and seeing all the meat hanging in there.Waking up in the mornings and smelling bacon and eggs.I remember waking up in the middle of the night and having to go "potty" and all my grandparents had was a outhouse. I was horrified!! I remember the hayrides around their property lines that my grandfather would take all of us grandchildren on...Ahhhh so many memories!!
What a fantastic give away! Sign me up. The New England trip sounds so relaxing. The foliage will be breath taking! My favorite childhood memory would be playing "hide and seek" in the cornfield across the road with my sisters and all the neighborhood kids. We would spend hours outside playing. My mom had to call us in for dinner. What a wonderful time we had being young!
I would love to see the New England states during this most colorful season....Someday!
When we were little girls, we would stay at the grandparents when our parents went out of town. They lived on a real, working farm and we loved it. There were so many things to do but I think our favorite was to feed lambs with a bottle. Grandpa used these big RC cola bottles with black nipples and those lambs would fairly pull the bottle from our hands they nursed so hard. We did so many things there. They had these big grape arbors and we would hide under them and eat grapes until we could hardly move. Looking back, I know we only thought we were hiding...LOL
Thanks for this giveaway and thanks for evoking warm memories for me...
A cherished memory from MY childhood...hmmmmm... my dad singing. It's neat, I just talked about it a few days back on my blog, and even posted a video I sneaked of him and my aunt...come have a listen and you'll understand why hearing my dad sing is very special to me.
Thanks for a lovely giveaway! I'm having a little one too right now...drawing will be tomorrow. Come check a few posts back and enter!
Blessings, Kimberly
Hi Ginger!
My grandparents have this handmade huge porch swing on their back porch that my grandfather made. My grandmother and I when I was a small child would swing on that swing for hours we would sing church songs, we would act like we were going on trips flying to places. It was that most fun thing to do and have great memories with my Nanie! The best thing is now my children 6 and 3 years old are now signing and flying to disneyland on that same swing with Nanie and Papa! This is bringing tears to my eyes while typing!
Anyway thank you so very much for having such a wonderful giveaway! I would cherish your beautiful handmade rug! Oh...and fall is my favorite season of all!
Hope your having a wonderful and lovely vacation.
Hi Ginger. What a wonderful gift you're giving and I loved reading about everyone's childhood memories. Here's mine so please enter me into your contest.
One of my fondest memories is of me and my sister. We would walk down to pollywog pond with our buckets and shovels and we would spend hours looking under rocks for salamanders and catch frogs and pollywogs. We would come home with our buckets full and put them in tanks on our porch and watch them change and grow. Unfortunately, a lot of them died because we didn't think that they would do better in their own homes.
In the wintertime, we would go to that same pond because there was a huge hill and we would spend all day sledding down the hill and climbing back up. Sometimes we would bring hot chocolate with us to help sustain us for so many hours. Those were the days when parents didn't worry about the whereabouts of their kids.
Thanks again for a great thread!
Hugs & Blessings,
Hi Ginger, what an awesome give-away...and a wonderful childhood memory!! Here's one of my faves...
My Grandparents had a huge farm, with cornfields surrounding their farmhouse. Every year, all of us kids would play hide and seek at night in the cornfields. Boy was it spooky, but sooo fun!! I think about it now, and I would never do it now knowing what could be in Even seeing a spider would freak me out..haha.
Have a wonderful day!
Hi! Ginger ~
I found you from Rondell's blog and I'm a lovin' what I see so far... I'll be back to read more! :) I love your memory story about the pecan tree, I now live in Oklahoma and we have 2 very large, beautiful pecan trees!
One of my favorite childhood Autumn memories is going to an aunt & uncle's farm at Thanksgiving time. I grew up in Wisconsin and most of my dad's family lived "up north", as it's called. When we went to the farm for Thanksgiving, there was always snow on the ground and the pond was frozen. I loved to ice skate so this was heaven to me! :) The smell of my aunt's bread and pies baking was sooo wonderful. She was the inspiration for me to get into bread making and quilting. All of us children slept in the unheated upstairs rooms of the farmhouse under piles of her handmade quilts! It was so much fun, I always hated going home.
Thanks for "give-away fun"!
What a great blog - I love it! And, of course, I have to leave a memory:
One of my favorite memories is of putting up apples with my mother and sisters. We didn't have a lot of money, but there were old apple trees on the farm, so we had apples any way you can imagine!
My mother made it fun for us to help - we chatted and sang while we peeled the apples, and we had peeling contests, and we ate apple peelings until our bellies ached!
The smell of cinnamon and of apples cooking still takes me back to those days, sitting on the back porch, peeling apples....
So many wonderful memories but the fondest ones are the simple days at home with mom & dad. Every evening after supper, my sister and I would make my hard working dad an ice cream cone. We'd always try to find special ways to make it surprise like filling the bottom with cherries and chocolate. And he always acted surprised when he found the "surprises"!
Your penny rug is just darling!
I love your blog!! It's now on my favorites list.
The house I grew up in was in the middle of an apple orchard. It was a spectacular site in the Spring with the apple trees all in blossom but I loved the fall when we would ride around on our bikes picking apples from the trees shining them up to a bright shine and that first crisp bite. MMMMMM!
I still love apples to this day!
Enjoy your vacation! Sounds perfect to me...get to enjoy the colors up north and then the peace of the Cape.
I grew up in Oklahoma and spent many weekends visiting my dad's aunt and uncle's farm in Marlowe. Uncle John grew peanut hay, and just to pass the time with the cousins we would climb way up on top of the neat bales stored inside the barn and eat stray peanuts. I remember the sweet smell of the hay and the cool dampness of the barn even now forty years later.
I love your primitive style!
Favorite child hood memory has to be Christmas. Christmas was always big in my house, with 6 kids my dad always made a big deal about it. The one thing my dad always did, which I do with my children to this day is on christmas eve, before everyone went to bed, we had to each pick one cookie from the assortment that mom made for Christmas. All of the cookies went on one big plate, and daddy took that plate outside and placed it somewhere safe, so that when we woke in the morning, we each had to eat our Christmas cookie that had the Christmas dew on it, we had to eat our cookie before any gifts were opened. To this day, corny or not, I do this with my kids.
Dana from My Open Nest forgot to leave her link, so here 'tis.
Dana from My Open Nest forgot to leave her link, so here 'tis.
Although I now live in a small southern city, I grew up in San Diego in a family of a single mom with three kids. We didn't have much, but once a month all the museums had free admissions. We would make a day of it, riding the bus to Balboa Park and browsing all the museums, rose gardens and desert gardens. I will never forget those times.
Ginger, what an awesome give away!! I have many fun fall memories as a child. When I was growing up we had 2 neighbor boys that would help my Dad out, they were over one day after school raking leaves with me, picking apples from the trees, just having a great time. Those two boys were like my brothers, (my brothers were way older then me) we had so much fun. Didn't really get many leaves raked, but we had fun and got paid for it!!
Thanks for having a giveaway!!
One of my best childhood memories was of a snowy day in North Carolina. It had snowed so much that the world was truly a winter wonderland. We lived in a rather large neighborhood (or I thought it was as a child), and it seemed that the entire neighborhood was outside - a very festive atmosphere! There were no cars going anywhere so the people took over the streets. It just so happened that we lived at the top of a road that was a nice steep hill. I remember my father tucking me in front of him on a sled and zooming down the hill (road). It was such a thrill, and I had no fear as I was safe and snug in my daddy's arms.
Thanks for this great giveaway. Your work is so beautiful!
Hi Ginger,
I'm Lea... It's nice to meet you! I love your penny rugs... and have been wanting to learn how to make them! I even bought a couple patterns on ebay.. now I just need to buy some real wool somewhere. I've bought some wool at the thrifts and washed it!
Love your memories... pecans. :)
One of my favorite memories is when I was a little girl, I'd ride my bike to the pool and swim all afternoon, then come out.. and walk up the steps to the library next door. I was dripping wet, and would stand in there picking out books. (bookworm) The librarian never complained... and seemed happy I loved to read.
Then I'd take an armload of books home and carry them in my plastic daisy bike basket, along with the towel, I never bothered to use.
Hi, I found your link at Dana's, of Open Nest. When I saw "primitive", I came running! :-)
The New England trip sounds so lovely. The last big trip my mom and dad made together while he was alive was when they took a bus tour up through New England. They had the BEST time, and we saw gorgeous pics when they got home.
I remember as a child visiting my maternal grandmother. She has this neat old vanity style dresser in her bedroom. It was lined with perfume bottles and various creams, powders, and costume jewelry. Who needed video games or computers when you could sit and play with your Nanny's 'purties'? She never told me to be careful, or worried that I'd make a mess of things. She knew the fascination that dresser offered for a young girl.
I remember eating Snows clam chowder with my Papa, then having a hot cuppa tea.I mis him so much, and eveytime I smell Snows I think of him.
Just found your blog! I love it! What a great idea to share memories!
My greatest childhood memory is going on a two week vacation out west. We went to the Black Hills, Crazy Horse, Mount Rushmore, Grand Canyon. My favorite place was going to see a cousin in Pheonix, Arizona. I saw my first Palm Tree and I was amazed at the orange trees in the meridan in the streets and they had no grass to mow!
I will add you to my favs!
hugs, Angie
When I was younger, we lived in Germany for 3 years. We had this huge picture window in the front of the house. Each Fall, my mom would let us use tempera paints and paint a Fall theme on them. My sister was really talented but I'd get to help. We would paint pumpkins, Halloween ghosties and stuff, leaves, etc. Then my sister would help me make my costume and my brother would make tapes to use Halloween night.
I know it sounds like a little thing but it is one of my happiest memories of childhood. We were very close during that time.
Hi Ginger,
I absolutely love your blogs as well as all the other prim blogs out there. I don't have a blog of my own, but I enjoy and appreciate the time everyone puts into their blog (especially if it's as much time as I spend looking at them all :)}.
I grew up in South America, we don't have seasons there.. but my childhood memory is that of my grandmother. She volunteered at the church, ironed the priest's clothes, washed and tidied up and was always going to ladies meetings. I would tag along with her and there I learned to crochet and cross stitch. It is a memory I will cherish forever of her, she has since passed away.
Have a wonderful day!. Happy Autumn!!
Would love to win--please enter me.. Julie
what a nice give away!! you're very creative!
one of my fondest memories would be when my sister and i were small. neither of us would admit it, but we were both afraid to sleep alone. so we shared my sisters big bed - which was near our parents room (it was safer!). i remember nights when my mom would come ask whose turn it was to snuggle with her till dad came up! we LOVED being able to sleep in mom's bed until dad came up and carried us to our beds. or... if we weren't fortunate enough to snuggle with mom... she would always come in to say our prayers and kiss us goodnight - then later, when dad came up... if we weren't yet asleep and were trying to pretend... he would come and lean over to give us kisses... and then shake the bed and go "hugga hugga hugga hugga!!!!" we would erupt into giggles! its unfortunate when we start to get older and get past those memorable times without even realizing how much they really meant. thanks for helping me think back and enjoy the moment again!
That is a beautiful piece of art!!!!
One of my favorite memories is setting on the front porch at night. We had a large front porch. It was the span od the length of our large two story home. At night we would gather on the porch to cool off before going to bed. We had only fans when I was really small. This was a pleasent time as we talked . I mean really talked and shared our day. Some times my parents and grandmother would tell us about their childhood. It was so nice. We woulld laugh and talk for a couple of hours sometimes longer when we were out of school for the summer or holidays.....
Glad I stumble across your blog would like to visit again...m..
Hi Ginger!
Love your blog! My favorite childhood memory is going to stay at my grandparents house during the summer. My grandfather knew how much I loved horses and somehow always had a horse or a pony there for me to ride during my visit. I would play in the barn during the day with the kittens and my grandmother would let me pick one to take to bed with me in a little wicker basket. They are both gone now. I miss them much!
I remember when I was little every summer we used to go to the Lickey Hills (south of Birmingham UK) to go bilberry picking. We would eat as many as we picked and then when we got home, mom would bake bilberry pie mmmmmmmmm I can just taste it now :0)
New England in the Fall! lucky you!
My favorite childhood memory is raking up our leaves to have a big bonfire-hot dogs & roasted marshmallows would be roasted in the bonfire and after wards sitting by the fire and gazing at the stars and Harvest Moon was so wonderfully warm & cozy- one of the best times I shared with my family!
Wow New England how wonderfully luck and a great adventure that will be I pray for yu to have a safe trip.
My childhood memories always go back to the holiday's christmas time mostly...I was raised by my hispanic grandparents, and oh the wonderful scents that would fill our hom at the time of their baking and creating, watching and helping my aunts decorate or just simply plopping down on the couch, and watching the holiday movie of my choice, I try in my own home to bring the same smells to carry on traditions.
Just came over from Lea's to jump into your great giveaway.
One of my all time fav memories is me and my cousin climbing to the top of the hay in the hay barn and papa letting us slide all the way down the bales to the bottom. What a joy that was cause granny sure wouldn't let us play on the hay so when papa was home the fun was on!
Thanks for doing such a great giveaway and have fun on your trip.
Blessings, Karen
What a great story about your family !!! Thanks for sharing with us. Looks like a beautiful place..
Hope I'm not to late to enter up for your giveaway!!!
Blessings and I hope you didn't see any rattlers, HATE THEM!!!
What a darling giveaway!
One of my favorite memories from childhood is about my Grandfather. He was a very quiet man, never said anything unless it was important. He used to watch me during the summertime. He would putter around the yard with his peonies that grew to the size of dinner plates, blueberry bushes that had (no I'm not exagerating) grape-size blueberries and his garden. During the hottest part of the day, he would come in to rest. He would sit on the couch and I would lay my head on his leg. This quiet, non-demonstrative man would put his huge, work-worn hand on my head. No stroking, no words, just his hand on my head. This meant more to me than the biggest hugs or the loudest praises in the world. It told me how very much he loved me.
What a great thing to blog about congerring up old childhood memories, well every summer my family would travel from Indiana
to Bethpage Tennessee to visit my granny who lived way out in the sticks it a small quaint house built by my grandpa, there was no running water,had to fetch it in from a well, there was a root cellar that me and my cousins loved to play in (hide and go seek)
we would always hide there, there was no bathroom in the house then either what a trip we would have to jog across an old gravel road to go potty in the woods, scared
to death I'd have to go pee in the middle of the night,thank God For daddy he would always get up out of bed to go with me with the flashlight. She also always had
an enamelware basin on the sink side filled with water straight from the well with
an enamelware ladle that everyone
used to get sips of water, people wouldn't dare do that these days. Granny is gone now and so it dad and some aunts and uncles but I can't tell you what those Tennessee memories mean to me today...I tear up with these memories
One of my cherished childhood memories is spending time at mygrandma's house. She lived near a little stream and every time my sisters and I went there, grandma would attach a clothes pin to a string on a pole so we could go fishing - so much fun!
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