To bring you the dog that is into everything. So continues the story of the lil' dog named Pipsqueak. Able to leap over baskets in a single bound, wrestling tissue paper to the ground and shredding it into let's say hundreds of tiny pieces, snatching up fat quarters of wool and prancing around like they belong to her when in fact I for one know they very well do not! Let's not mention the balls of yarn that were strung from one end of the room to the other. All of this in about oh let's say 10 minutes.
Sloan matter of factly let her know that his toys do not belong to her and that he does not share his toys if she plans on chewing on them.
I expect I'm going to have to lay down the law myself on the wool, yarn and just overall any and all craft goods. Oh and let me not forget shoes....they are off limits, too!
Could be why that little jingle bell stays on that collar so I can keep up with one adventurous pipsqueak.
Oh what will tomorrow bring! :)
Happy Trails....Ginger
Well Ginger, looks like Pipsqueak is marking her territory...everything that is within her reach. Sounds like she is keeping you on your toes. Maybe as she gets older she will outgrow the urge to take your wool((-:
LOL--cute! I know how you feel..I have a little paper shredder on my farm too. :) Thanks so much for stopping by my come back soon. Have a great day. :)
Funny! Oh, the joys of a new puppy. Now that my baby is 8 I look back at that first year and laugh. But I don't think I laughed at the time! One of her favorite tricks was if we left her alone in the house for anytime over 1/2 hour, she would collect up shoes and pile them in the middle of the living room floor! The longer we were gone....the more shoes.
Funny! Oh, the joys of a new puppy. Now that my baby is 8 I look back at that first year and laugh. But I don't think I laughed at the time! One of her favorite tricks was if we left her alone in the house for anytime over 1/2 hour, she would collect up shoes and pile them in the middle of the living room floor! The longer we were gone....the more shoes.
Ginger ~
Puppies are just so darned cute it is hard to stay mad at them for long, but watch those shoes!!! Oh, how they love leather.
How old is that little cutie pie?
Pug hugs :)
Oh but she is the cutest little thing! Is she a pure Yorkie Ginger?
Oh the joys of a puppy.
I had to put all my hooked rugs up and everything else out of reach for a long time. We bought trash cans with lids to keep him out of them.
He is a little more trust worthy now at14 months. The dog whisperer say between the ages of 8 months and 2 years is when most dogs are surrendered to the pounds. They are teen agers at this point. They will challenge everything you have taught them. I know your not planning on giving him up, but the book is really interesting. Helped me understand my dog better. Well, have fun and good for Sloan for holding his own with puppy.
You know I have had the same thoughts, when my son got his border collie who is now mine, I didn't have to get up early and go for walks, I didn't have to stay up late and take the dog out in the cold, I could leave my projects all over, It was a peaceful life. But your Pipsqueak is so cute. Such a cute face.
I still think it is worth it anyway. :)
Sounds like quiet the adventure ahead of you. :)
I lost a few pairs of shoes when mine were young, they do like to create their own chew toys;)
Pipsqueak is a 4 month old full blood Yorkshire. She weighs about 2 1/2 pounds and she does keep us entertained to say the least!
Pipsqueak just wants to investigate everything! She looks so sweet in her picture, I refuse to believe she does anything wrong!! lol :-)
Oh how I would love to have a little doggie, Pipsqeak sounds wonderful. They really are so much fun, I'll never forget our Cairn Terrier, Pipsqeak sounds just like him. Ginger, I can't thank you enough for the overdye cotton floss instructions. From time to time I have others ask me how to dye floss and I always refer them to your instructions. I'm so glad they're still available. THANK YOU!!!
Oh she is so sweet. Hopefully this Phase will be over soon! How can you not smile with her around, too cute!
Puppies are soo much fun!
Or at least part of the time they are, like when they curl up to take a nap or romp on the floor with you. Unfortunately the other 3/4 of their day is spent making your life miserable.( chewing, potty training & shredding pretty much anything they can get their paws on)
It will get better...just hope it's soon.
Oh such cute puppy pictures!! I have a 4 year old yorkie who weighs 5 lbs. He is full of personality. When he is bored or wants my attention, he'll grab a scrap of wool and run like crazy with it!!
Enjoy :-)
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