It's been a beautiful day here in Oklahoma and just perfect for sitting outside and working on a punch needle. This one I punched up using an oxford punchneedle #10 on monk's cloth. Today as Sloan played outside I finished the binding on it.
Sloan and Pipsqueak got along quite well and with a little bit of rain we had this afternoon it made for a for a few muddy areas....just right for one curious lil' pup.
Before the afternoon was over Sloan had helped me to give her a bath. He sure is a good lil' helper!
Well they are forecasting more rain tomorrow but we won't complain it helps it feel like Autumn Days are really on the way!
Happy Trails....Ginger
You sure are quick with that Oxford! Very nice punkin'! I do hope the rain brings some cooler air for you so play time can last longer! :-)
Really love it Ginger - Honestly I'm not a fan of the punching with yarn because most pieces I have seen have been "flat" looking but you managed to give your piece a great texture and blending to it!
Looks like Sloan and Pipsqueak are having a good time!
Ginger ~
Please send some rain our way!!!
I bet Sloan & Pipsqueak will be best friends in no time at all.
Hugs :)
Awww they look so cute together. Can I take the day off and come and run around with those 2? Too cute!
Pipsqueak and Sloan are adorable together! Love your rug too!
:) Sloan has a great lil' buddy! I'll bet watching them play keeps you smiling so much your cheeks are sore. :)
The pumpkin is cute! Now, please tell... what kind of wool did you use for this one? I'm trying to learn how to finally use my Oxford needles.
Ginger,that looks like a little yorkie puppy to me. I've been a yorkie mama for a long time and to me they are the BESTEST there is!!!! Have fun with her!!! They're SO loveable and have so many quirky things they do,that no matter how sad or sick or down that you are she'll always make you smile.
Sherry aka:The Queen
You won't even need to take Frank's class. You already have it mastered. You better bring a lot of extra stuff to do. You will be needing it as fast as you are. Love the pumpkin! Looks like Sloan and Pipsqueak were having fun playing outside. I am enjoying the rain. So ready for fall and cooler weather.
Your punch came out really nice, your loops are so nice and even. I have not done it on monks, just verel, since that is what I got at my local store. The verel is nice for smaller yarns and more even weave.
Ginger, your latest creation is lovely. I don't think I've ever seen anyone "whip" up so many creations in such a short period of time as you can! Man, am I jealous. I don't know who's cuter Pipsqueak or your sweet grandson Sloan. Fall has finally arrived in New England and am I ever greatful. Now, all I need to do is dust the cobwebs of my hook and get busy! Wish you lived closer your such a source of inspiration.
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