Don't you just love Fall days....days when you can open the windows and let the sunshine and cool air come right on in. Play outside with those you love and listen to the crowing of the rooster and the giggle of a little boy as he plays chase with a pup. Oh I do love my Monday's!
I have even found time to list 2 little rugs on eBay.
The Pumpkin Jack rug I even crocheted around the edge...something new for me and it went very quickly.
Here is some of the wool strips Frank brought to our class that he had cut into a #6 cut for us to use. Three big tubs of them...they were overflowing and this was even on the last day of class!
Here is what I punched in class...just got to do some finishing touches.

Sloan came this morning with these fun glasses and of course we had to take a turn!

Happy Trails....Ginger
How do you manage to get any work done with Sloan around? He is just precious. I grew up with my grandparents so I know first hand what a lucky boy he is to have your influences in his life. I look forward to his blog appearances.
You have me giggling! :) It does look like a fun day! Your punched goodies are GGGGggggreat! That sure is a bunch of worms! My goodness!!!!
Ginger ~
That picture of Sloan and the puppy is too cute! Oh, little boys sure do have fun with those glasses. My 5 year old grandson loves them, too.
You were very productive in class ~ but at the rate you produce, I knew there would be lots to share.
Hugs :)
LOVE those glasses! Great pics of you guys! :-)
Love those glasses. Would put a smile on anyone's face lol. So happy you get to spend as much time as you do with Sloan. Lucky, lucky little boy :).
Your mats are precious! Had to gasp at the baskets of worms. BEFORE I read what was underneath, I thought they were yours LOL.
I just love the pics of Sloan and the little Pip! They just melt my heart!!
You got lots done in Texas girl! Loved seeing the pics of Frank and the class and all you girls did. I'm so glad you got to go and got so much out of it.
Love your rugs as always! And what a hoot those glasses are!!
Yes, we can surely enjoy the weather this week. The house is opened up letting that cool air come in. Enjoyed the pics of Sloan, Danny & you with the big nose & hair. You all are such fun. Ok, now I have been on the computer too long and time to get outside and enjoy the day.
What a fun Monday you must have had. I agree, the weather has been simply gorgeous the last couple of days and from what the weatherman says it promises to continue thru the rest of the week. Enjoy!!!!!!
That is a lot of worms, lol.
You made lots of wonderful pieces, those designs are so fun. We have a good day today, but we needed rain. My garden is still growing, so hoping the cold stays away.
What a fun family.
I like the pumpkin people rugs.
Franks woolie worm container looks somewhat like mine, except I only have one and am trying to use that up.
Sloan and Pipsqueak make the cutest lil' duo! What a sweet picture of them!
Those tubs of worms look like so much fun! =] Loving your class projects, very cute!
Oh, and those glasses are very becoming on you. What fun!
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