It's been a busy day here on the farm. We went to church this morning and had lunch with my Mom afterwards and one of my cousins and his wife. Just love visiting with family!
Afterwards Danny and I came home and I picked some of the last little tomatoes and donated them to the chickens for a Sunday treat...they do love those juicy red tomatoes.
Our little dog "Pipsqueak" likes the water. She is so nosy with the chickens and not scared a bit.
It was an absolutely beautiful day to be outside and while Danny took care of working on some farm equipment I did a little yardwork.
This evening I've been binding one of the hooked rugs and looked up to see I have a little wool thief. Someone has been in my scrap basket snatching pieces of wool.
Monday we will be off for a visit to my lil' sister Bobbie's home for lunch. One last hoorah before the end of summer. Wishing each of you a safe and Happy Labor Day!
Happy Trails...Ginger
Cute over rides thief any day! LOL! :-)
Happy Labor Day to you too! It sounds like you have had a great weekend so far with only more fun to come. :)
Sounds like a wonderful day and your little Pipsqueak is adorable.
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