If you follow the crooked path way behind the big oak trees lies a little farm where the sun has risen in the eastern skies for yet another day. Way up on the hill is a saltbox home shaded with a willow tree that has been around for generations.
The farmyard is already coming alive for another day. The rooster has crowed his good morning welcome to all and the sheep are happily munching on the rich green pastures. The garden will need a bit of tending later but for now a lil' bunny has found his way to the lettuce patch.
The baby ducklings are out for a quick morning swim and Tom our ol' barn cat lazily soaks in the warmth of the sun.
Join the Primitive Rug Hookers Group in the Hot Fun in the Summertime Launch. When you find a few spare minutes in your day stop over at eBay and just type in PRHG into your search to see all the offerings this group has made. Wonderful offerings of hand~made hooked rugs, needle punch, and much more.
Above is a needle punch that I designed and made using a 3 strand method....oh the countless stitches in this piece. As I drew it it just kept growing but I just love how it turned out and I almost don't want to let it go....
Happy Trails....Ginger
GINGER! This is truly STUNNING! :)
This is a gorgeous creation!!!
It inspired me and gave me the most wonderful idea, well that is once I learn to needlepunch.
I saved all my daughter's drawings and how wonderful to make a copy and use them for a needlepunch pattern!!!!!!!!!! These will be awesome keepsakes and heirlooms. She is now 22 and has a 4 month old baby girl. Soon we will have more drawings!!! THANK you!!!
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