What a blessed day I had. The doorbell rang early for a Sunday. When I peeked around the corner to see who it could be what a delight to see a small little boy with his Daddy in tow! After a quick visit before church and some goodies to my delight we were off to pick up our daughter Jenn as we traveled along to church.
A wonderful lunch and just a little bit of shopping and then home for a cookout this evening with the family. Now I must say I have to be one of the most blessed gals when it comes to families. With three sisters and their families all living so close that we enjoy many get togethers throughout the year. Moma and Daddy living just 15 minutes away and Danny's folks just as close it does make for one big ol' happy family. When Danny and I first married we moved about 3 hours away...that lasted all of 3 months...I was so HOMESICK we moved back and haven't been farther than 15 minutes away since.
I thought often today of the mother's that were once in our home. They may be gone but they were not forgotten. Oh how I miss my Grandma's. My brother in law's mother who would often come and a dear friend's mom. Each a very special lady in her own special way.
I've been so blessed to have a Moma who loved us girls with all her heart. You know Moma's put a lot of heart into their children. It never ends no matter how old you get!
I've also been blessed to have a wonderful mother in law. I couldn't have found a better one in the whole wide world...yes she is a very amazing Moma, too!
Well it's coming to the close of another day...and I've been truly blessed. The rug at the top is one I've been working on by Laurie of LJ Fibers and it has been one of those rugs that I can't wait to get back to hooking on...It's called "House Blessings"....just seems right for this home!
Happy Trails....Ginger
Ginger, Glad you had a great day. I'm a little envious at having all your family nearby. Keep showing progress on the rug - love the pineapple. ~Ann
You are Blessed in deed! How wonderful to have family so close, and to have so many!! Love the rug you are working on.
Happy Mother's Day to you Ginger! You are a wonderful gal & deserve the very best! :)
Great rug, now get back to hookin' on it! ;)
What a wonder family you have and full of happy memories.
Sounds like you had a very blessed Mother's Day. I miss the big family get-togethers. Most of my family lives out of state or country as well as Jeff's family. I am going to have to get busy on my rug..you are way ahead of me. See you Tuesday.
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