Monday, May 3, 2010

Fowl Language Can Be A Good Thing!

Please...Please...PLLEEEAASSSEEE I need some chickies is what we have been hearing for weeks. So PaPa gave in and he now has 6 Rhode Island Reds and 4 Jersey Giants. Aunt Jenn says we spoil him but in truth we are spoiled with lots of love!

Happy Trails...Ginger


moosecraft said...

How cute! Sloan is tending to those chickies like a pro! :-)

patijane's primitives said...

Oh how fun is that going to be for Sloan!!!! He will love raising those little chickies and gathering eggs.

WoolenSails said...

So so cute, how can you say no, lol.
Will he do fairs with his new chicks?


sandrasc said...

The chicks are sure cute. And someday they should pay you back with fresh eggs. Sloan is sure to love them.

Joanne said...

What fun - I bet he has them all named already!

Kim said...

LOL That is too funny. But seriously, how could anyone say no to that little face?

Teri said...

Hi Ginger,
Toooo cute ... Just think about it this way no time at all you will be eating fresh eggs! I just love fresh egg nog!
Have a great week end.