When you have a family as large as we do it sometimes makes things simpler to have family gatherings on the weekend. Today we celebrate our little grandson Sloan's 1st birthday. He will be turning 1 on the 9th of October.
It's hard to believe that a year has flown by so quickly. Milestones have been accomplished....from a simple little smile to giggles of laughter, reaching out for a little rattle to opening cabinet doors and emptying out anything within arms reach!
Crawling across the floor to running fast as can be to chase a ball....there is never a dull moment with this active little boy.
He has brightened my day and has made be feel the grandest of all Grandma's! I just love my lil' Sloanie Macaroni!
He just loved having cake....this boy knows how to make a mess!
Me and Sloan having a little time for clean up just before opening up the presents!
Happy Birthday to YOU....Happy Birthday to YOU.....Happy Birthday DEAR SLOAN.....Happy Birthday to YOU!!!!
Some of Sloan's cousins.
My dil Sheena with her parents.
Our daughter Jen with her in~laws. We were so glad they could come and visit with us this evening.
My sis Jane made the cake for Sloan.
My sisters Bobbie and Sherry are always ready to help with the clean~up!
Wow we had such a busy, happy day! We cooked and cleaned, set up decorations and tables and prepared for a big birthday bash. Grandpa Bob came early and brought over minnows for the youngsters to go fishing at the back pond. As the kids arrived they got a fishing pole and had a grand time catching fish. Soon they had a basketful of fish and of course they were keepers. So before long they had the fish cleaned and put into the freezer for an upcoming fish fry in Nov.
Brisket, Chopped Beef, Smoked Sausages, Ham, BBQ Ribs, coleslaw, baked beans, corn on the cob, potato salad, homemade bread, and so much more filled the plates....mmmmhhh nothing is so good as home cooking!
Next came the birthday cake with ice cream then with a quick clean up on to the presents. A pinata of Bob the Builder was filled with candy and the kids enjoyed breaking the candy free. Everyone had a good time spent celebrating the life of one small child that is growing by leaps and bounds.
We are so joyfully blessed!!!!!! Happy Birthday my lil' Sloan!
Happy Trails....Ginger
he is so darn cute!! enjoy these great days, they grow so fast!!
many hugs to sloan. ;)
Oh Ginger, He is too sweet!! It sure looked like a wonderful party. Enjoy every second. Time flies so fast. Look what's happened in a year already! Happy Birthday Sloan!
A VERY Happy Birthday to lil' Sloan! Many Hugs to You All!!!!!
:) Betty
He is a cutie!Looks like you have a lot of babies in your family.
Oh, look at those eyelashes...no wonder you are so in love with him:) He is so adorable, happy birthday to him:)
How cute! Happy Birthday to Sloan.
Happy Birthday Sloan! He has beautiful eyes.
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