I've been back to working on a few small mats and hope to have this one finished before Christmas!
The tree is finally up and a favorite Snowman was brought down from the attic and Sloan has enjoyed this guy since his first Christmas. This year Sloan has really taken to the Christmas shows like Frosty the Snowman, Rudolph and The Grinch Who Stole Christmas.
We had a mean ole intruder....a stinky ole skunk. Seems like the stinker decided to get in the pen and wouldn't you know it not one chick left! We are going to have to rework the pen so that doesn't happen anymore. I think I'll miss them more than anyone! I haven't had the heart to break the news to Sloan. I may just get a few pretty soon and replace them so he doesn't have to know!
Well the shopping and wrapping is almost done and I hope to finish that up this weekend. Then it will be time to make candies and other sweet treats and of course I still need to finish putting up the rest of the decorations. Oh where are those elves when you need them :)
Happy Trails....Ginger
Another great looking rug. Heck... you probably only need a minute or two to get it done. You are a speed crafter! :)
Sloan is getting big fast, but always so cute!
Sorry to hear about the chickens. Sounds like you have a great plan set so Sloan doesn't have to know. One day when he is bigger you will tell him & he will be so shocked!
I love that Christmas tree mat.
Did the skunk get the big chickens or did you have little ones. Hurry and replace them so Sloan won't have to know.
Enjoy the candy making and be sure to let Sloan lick the spoon and bowls.
Cute picture of Sloan with the snowman!
Your rug is going to look really neat, sure wish I could do that!
Poor chicks! Dumb skunk!
Sorry about the chicks, that is hard with predators.
Our neighbors have coops and usually lose them to the coyotes and fisher cats.
Hi Ginger,
I am so sorry to hear about the chicks...I would probably just replace them with some new little ones before Sloan notices too...he is so little and such an innocent, we don't need him growing up to soon!
What fun you are going to have this Christmas with your little one. Our little grandson Owen is just under 2, and he is loving the christmas tree and decorations, but does not 'get' the whole christmas thing yet!
Ginger ~
Sorry about the chicks. Hopefully Sloan will never know!
Your little tree mat is adorable.
When you finish with the elves, please send them to northern Ohio!
Pug hugs :)
Ginger, Your grandson is becoming a fine young man......... Boy the time flies,,,,,,,,,
Merry Christmas my friend....
Love the simple feather tree mat, very cute!
Sloan is so adorable with the snowman. Sorry to hear about your chicks. How sad!
I still have a little decorating left also. I have to laugh because I keep thinking it's only a week before Christmas why don't I just tote the rest up? But no, I won't let myself. So I have a little pile of Christmas decor that still needs to find a home.
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