Well what a trip we had. We spent an entire week in New York City and did we ever see some sights. It's going to take several post to show you some of what we saw....so here goes!
From the our quiet country home you rarely hear a siren but in NYC...it happens every few minutes. Police were every where and I'm not talking 2 or 3 lets just say there were many on each block...walking, riding horses, in cars, on bicycles, motorcycles and the list goes on.
We did a lot of looking up....with all the lights and so much going on you wanted to take it all in.
A portion of Times Square...notice the sign not to remove seating for a souvenier...now where are you gonna stuff a seat especially with all those officers everywhere????
Had to go in the big Toys R Us....just look at that big ferris wheel right as you come in the door.
Someone was wearing a sign on their back advertising a dating service of course Jenn had to have a lil' fun with that.
Next we were off to a party! Lots of stars were there...did you guess where at?
Madame Tussauds....lots of silly fun.
That's me I'm a spice girl :)
Danny and Marilyn
Ohhh wonder what they are thinking!
Your fired!
Well enough said on that.
Let's head on over to the M & M Store....
I totally agree!
Just some of the many cylinders of M & M's to choose from.
I got Sloan his favorite color...yes orange it is!
Went to a street fair....with blocks and blocks and blocks of vendors.
Found some tasty treats.
Then the very last booth....Look a MoMo Hat.
Yes I had to have one.
Well that's enough for now and yet it just scratches the surface of what all we did. I'm anxious to stop by your blogs and catch up with all of you. We have a baby shower and a Fall Church Dinner coming up out here at the farm so the next 2 weeks are sure to be full days in cleaning and cooking.
Hope you enjoyed just a lil' bit of the big apple through the eyes of some country folks.
Happy Trails....Ginger
New York City is on my Bucket List for someday. Looks like a great time. Loved the giant cylinders of M&M's.
Ginger ~
Isn't the Big Apple amazing? A great place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there :)
I love the pic of Danny & Marilyn. What fun!
I'm looking forward to seeing more of your adventures.
Pug hugs :)
Oh Ginger - looks like you had a wonderful time - too cute in the wax museum!
It does look like a fun time! I agree though... must be nice to be home. :)
Wow, the big apple. Looks like you had a great time. Imagine MOMO hats in New York City.
Your pics are wonderful......so much fun. That is definitely one place I would love to go to. Glad you had a great time and I can't wait to see more. Thanks for sharing.
Ginger...It looks like you had so much fun! I would love to go to NYC, but it's kind of overwhelming for me...I haven't even made it to Chicago yet!! I love all your pictures, can't wait to see more! I heard it is a whole different way of life..it is, truly, the city that never sleeps!
I wondered what you had been up too, Wow lovely pictures, and what fun! I can't wait to see some more.
Thanks for the fabulous vacation! Lots of us went along with you through all your wonderful pictures and short stories. And it was GREAT!!
Oh Ginger what fun!!! Loved your post and the pic's. The pose of Danny and Marilyn is great! And you make a great Spice Girl lol. Great week in the city, but i'm glad you are a country girl :). I'm sure Sloan is sooo happy to see you!
Wow...Great pics of NYC!! I'll probably never make it there. Looks like there was so much to see and do!
Well, I have thoroughly enjoyed my trip so far to NYC. Can't wait to see where we go next in NYC.
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