I like musicals all kinds. This weekend we went to the Sooner Theatre in Norman, Oklahoma and watched Thoroughly Modern Millie put on by a group of High School students and they did a wonderful job. Lots of talent by those young folks with singing, dancing, and comedy.
Well it's been just miserably hot...kind of like stepping into an oven even in the early mornings. It was 103 here today and it looks to be about the same tomorrow.
Sloan and I did make a trip over to Danny's folks for a quick visit and it just happened that cousins Chloe and Jaxson were visiting, too. All three little ones are just a few months apart and can sure keep things exciting to say the least.
I'm working on finishing up a few more projects trying to get ready for the Loose Caboose Festival that will be here the first Saturday in September. It should be lots of fun and hopefully by then the summer heat will be cooling down.
Happy Trails....Ginger
Yup, I think we are all well done by now! The news guy here said it will be chilly on Thursday though... about 90! ha ha ha
Bet your show will be great! Wish I could make it down to see ya there.
Ughh - the heat sure is a pain this year isn't it! Hope you get a reprieve of some kind! I was thinking this morning that our AC is sure getting a workout.
Looks like a fun visit for the kids!
Good luck with finishing those items - I need to get started but just can't seem to find the motivation! LOL
I am ready for fall...this 100 degree weather is no fun at all. Have been working on Loose Caboose items also. It will be fun..hope the temperature cools off by then. See you Saturday!!!!
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