Twice within a week I've got to play hookie. Once a month Country Collections in Moore has gals that meet to hook on Tuesday afternoons and with Sloan gone to visit his other grandma well I gathered up my supplies and enjoyed the day with some wonderful gals.
Pati Jane gave a little demo on a new technique.
Kaye is always working on something new and this time it happens to be a large size rug and the colors she is using are looking great.
Laura is just about finished with her chair mat.
Kaye back to work on her rug!
Ann is always the quiet one maybe that's why she gets so much done!
Pati Jane made this awesome BOO sampler for the shop. Her applique work is perfect!
Ann had a bag full of worms for anyone caring to take them home....Looks like some of the gals had fun choosing the ones they needed.
Where's Sandra? I missed getting a picture of her now how did that happen? She was working on an Autumn rug and it was really coming along really nice.
Wishing you a great day filled with playing a little hookie!
Happy Trails....Ginger
Wonderful pieces and a fun time with friends.
I am seriously thinking about hooking a small piece, been too long.
Oh how I'd love to visit that shop! Your rug and that 1863 rug are really catching my eye! Love the Boo applique that Patijane created too!!! Yah... I want to visit really bad... :-) little group looks like fun. Glad you had a good day out.
How great to see how you play hookie!
Loved the picture with your new hook in the middle of your work, and seeing Pati Jane was fun too. That Applique piece would bring a proud smile to my face too. :)
I've been off the blog trail for awhile, finishing up my swap items. Can't stitch and read 'em at the same time. :|
Well, we did have a fun day and was glad you got to play hookie.
Wow, that would be a fun way to play hookie. It looks like a wonderful day!
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