Life is too short to not enjoy it and I do take pleasure in taking time to see life through the eyes of a 3 year old. Look at just a couple of things we did today....oh there are so many that I don't capture in pictures but they are captured in my heart!
The day for me started out this day with our son Dan dropping of Sloan for the day. There was a chill in the air but the sun was up and shining and we had a few chores to take care of.
First a growing boy needed to have a bowl of cereal with his PaPa then it was off to take care of the farm chores.
He is so thrilled about his "chicken eggs" and even has shared a dozen with his great~grandma last week. He proudly told her they were from his chickens.
He does have to play chase with them for a few minutes before leaving the pen.
They really don't seem to mind I think they just might enjoy seeing him come for a morning visit.
Next we gave the donkeys a treat of celery. They come right up to the backyard fence to visit and today they were happy to accept a treat!
Of course we have to get in a little excercise practicing being superman on the swing!
For lunch we had a big feast of fried chicken, mashed potatoes, corn, broccoli, and biscuits. This boy has a big appetite!
We opened up the craft room doors today and found some wool that we could use to cut into strips for oxford punch and then a lil' boy wanted to give it a try. Well I figure if he is willing to try. First he turned the handle on the cutter and did a fine job helping me cut the strips.
Next he tried to thread the punch and after a little help....
We started with our first punch lesson. He lasted about 30 seconds and then he was off to watch Rudulph the Red~Nose Reindeer and within minutes was sound asleep!
This is what I came up with while he slept. Craziest rug I've ever made. Started out with the center as a hit and miss rug....decided to add some motifs of a horse, heart, flowers, and house. It measures about 12 x 20 inches before binding. Not to bad for one afternoon and evening.
Last night I made this little mats.... A simple and prim house.
A fraktur bird...just plain and simple just the way I like it!
I finished the binding on a christmas tree and sheep rug. My oxford punch needle and I have finally become friends...
Tomorrow is another day. I hope you will take the days you have and live them to the fullest...enjoy the simple things of life, make memories, keep a prayer on your heart, and lend a helping hand to someone if you can!
Happy Trails.....Ginger
Ginger, loved reading your blog today. You are definitely spot on about taking time to enjoy the simple pleasures of life. Love reading about your special times with Sloan. And your punched rugs are simply awesome!!!! I must say I am intrigued...
Ginger ~
What a fun day with Sloan! I love the picture of him laughing at the chicken!
My, you are super-woman IMHO when it comes to getting things done. So much in one day.
I bought an Oxford punch years ago and have not had it out of the box other than to look at it when I first bought! What size cut do you use? How long are your starting worms? How 'bout a little tutorial sharing all your knowledge and secrets???
Pug hugs :)
Sloan is such a little sweetheart! I think the pic of him chasing the chicken is hysterical! lol! Good for him for trying the Oxford... you never know what will happen when he gets back to it... Love the rug you made while Sloan was napping!!! Great design and colors!
What a great time you had with your grandson! What a cutie...and isn't it amazing how busy the little ones are? I love it when my grandchildren come...which, of course, isn't often enough. I smile the entire time they're here. Love the photos!
Ginger, you are a blessing. I love how you look at things... you offer some great advice. Thank you.
Sloan is just getting cuter by the day!
Your rugs are wonderful. I especially love the craziest one! :)
What a lovely day and everything you make is just lovely.
Ginger, what a precious little grandson you have. How fortunate for both of you to be able to spend the days together, and what a great little helper! Love the rugs!
Oh my goodness - the total joy on Sloans face while with his chickens is too much!!
You are just going to town, I love the craziness of the rug with the hit and miss center. So primitive, just what a pioneer woman would have done without all the fancy McGown trained teachers. I love the style, I love primitive, no training needed.
I also get a great joy out of seeing Sloan enjoying himself with you all and the animals.
Not only a fun day for him but you. I can't wait to be a gramie.
lovely rugs!
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