
Monday, July 1, 2013

Bright & Cheery!

Some days you just need a little something to brighten up your day.  I've made my own bit of bright and cheery in the dye pots.  The dye pots have been going since early morning and I have been hanging out wool yarn all day long.

The day is almost over and it is just about time to start gathering in the yarn that has dried so far!

Just finishing up dyeing lots of greens....they will have to wait until in the morning to take a turn outside in the sunshine.

The grasshoppers are plentiful this year and the flowers are getting eaten up.

Sure wish they would leave my splashes of color alone.  I didn't plant much this year but I do enjoy a little bright spot here and there.
The cows are grazing late into the evening.  We are enjoying some cooler temps and it makes me want to be outside as much as I can.  Sloan spent the day chasing grasshoppers and putting them in his bug barn.  He turns them loose and gathers more.

Tomorrow I will be making lots of yarn lots of yummy bright colors!

The cameo punch needle gets used a lot late in the evening.

I also started a bright and cheery crochet project.  As usual I have lots of projects going at once.  The washing machine seems to always be humming, cookies are being baked for all the guys, and someone is always calling my name :)
Dad is really struggling trying to eat.  I will be so glad when all these treatments are over for him.  I will say this Cancer is not for sissies!
Thank you so much for all the prayers for him and my mom....they are all much appreciated!
Hope you each have a bright and cheery week :)
Happy Trails.....Ginger


  1. wow so beautiful and so bright :)
    smiles for you x

  2. You are as always one busy lady. My heartfelt thoughts and prayers for you and your family as you go thru the journey of cancer. I am a 2 year survivor and want your Dad to know that it gets easier after the chemo..

  3. I can only imagine the satisfaction of looking out your window and seeing your glorious colored wool, drying in the sun. Looks like a candy shop !
    Your comment about Cancer is not for true. Life takes a great deal of courage.
    Will continue to pray for your Dad and Mom.

  4. The yarns are luscious! Busy, busy, busy...all with satisfying activities. Have a great day, Ginger!

  5. Sorry about your dad, I know first hand about the eating problem as my mother had no appetite and her mouth hurt when she even tried to force herself to build up strength. My step-father would drive to the beach and buy her frozen yogurt which she could manage to get down. My thoughts are with you and your parents.

    On a happier note, your dyed wool yarn is beautiful and lovely to look at hanging there all in a row.


  6. You have been busy! That is a fence of my dreams, hanging with wool :) Beautiful colors.

  7. Oh my gosh that's some gorgeous wool! The colors take my breath away...good job!

  8. Wow you have been busy! I dyed my first batch of yarn a few weeks ago and it's just as fun as dyeing wool material. Prim colored yarn is hard to come by in the stores and hand-dyed from other artists is out of my price range. Thank goodness for off white wool yarn! :)

  9. Beautiful wool colors! Stupid cancer, I wish your dad wasn't having to deal with all that. Will be thinking of all of you.

  10. Oooh look at how beautiful those pretty colors are! :)

  11. What beautiful wool!
    Continued prayers for your dad.
    God Bless America.
    Hugs :)

  12. What beautiful colorful yarn! I imagine in person this is a pretty scene to look at with it all on the line.
