
Thursday, June 27, 2013

What Is That Cooking...Yarn, Fish, & Frog Legs!

The dye pots have been going almost non~stop and some wonderful colors are making their way from the dye bath  to outside to dry and then I have been rolling them into wonderful wool yarn cakes.  Ready to use for oxford punch, binding rugs, or even crochet!

This week the colors have been blues, rich browns with black, and a wonderful dirty white.  All great for backgrounds and so much more!

After they are rolled up they are being packaged for our little store we will have at Silver Dollar City this fall.  There is 35 to 40 yards in each wool cake.  The good part is it is ready to use no winding!

Oh and I forgot I did a few mustard cakes too and here is the rich earth browns with black. 

I did have to try out the dirty whites and just love the way the pumpkins turned out!

Over the weekend we had a fish fry and the guys also had some frog legs to cook up.

My dad's brother came up from Texas with his wife for a visit.  The two cowboys on the left "Dad and my Uncle Bill" caught the fish.
Dad started his chemo and radiation this week.  He goes early in the mornings to OKC and is back home by 8:30 and for now he is still baling hay!  We sure appreciate all the well wishes and prayers. 
We are taking one day at a time and are praying that the treatments shrink the tumor and dad stays as well as he possibly can. 
Happy Trails.....Ginger


  1. I was just thinking of your Dad this morning and wondering how he was doing. We're all praying the treatments are successful!
    Love those yarn cakes! I don't need any yet.... But, I hope to be able to grab some when I do! :-) Ahhhh.... pumpkins! Won't be long now!

  2. How amazing that you dye yarn !
    Your yarn cakes are amazing and I love the name, too ! Makes me want one just because they are called "yarn cakes". ;)

    The dirty white pumpkin is amazing.
    Just love those white pumpkins.

  3. Gorgeous wool, love the brown and yellow ones and they look beautiful in the pumpkin rug.


  4. Praying for your Dad.
    Love your pumpkins.
    Sending you giant woolie hug :)

  5. Lovely wools! Will you be selling these in your Etsy shop too? I'm thinking I may need to make a purchase.

    Continued prayers for your Dad. <3

  6. Evening, love those colors Nd that pumpkin, so cute...Happy Hooking, Francine.

  7. www.orangesink.blogspot.comJune 27, 2013 at 9:12 PM

    I am praying for your Dad that the treatments take and he can have many more years of baling hay! That is if he wants many more years of that!
    Your yarn colors are fabulous and I love the way those pumpkins look too!!
    Cathy G

  8. Beautiful dyes - I just dyed my very first fabric yesterday and it is so rewarding and fun. :)

    Many prayers for your Father - that is amazing that he is still bailing hay! :)

  9. ohhhh, Ginger...those yarn colors are absolutely gorgeous! You are one busy woman.

  10. Hi Ginger...your yarn is beautiful.
    Now that pumpkin you it needle punch or is it hooked. Hard to tell because of the size of the yarn...but whatever IT'S BEAUTIFUL.
    Oh for a 'fresh caught fish, fish fry'...I'm from Wisconsin and we love our Friday Night Fish Frys....but there's nothing better than fresh pan fish.
