Tuesday, March 1, 2011

More Hooked Rugs

Thought I would share with you the remainder of the hooked rugs from the Hook-In at Lenexa.

Happy Trails....Ginger


Plumruncreek ♥ said...

The rugs are beautiful! Thanks for sharing, it inspires me to get hookin. LOL!

Ter'e said...

Great photos!!!! Can you tell us the designer of the first rug, by chance?

Ter'e said...

Great photos!!!! Can you tell us the designer of the first rug, by chance?

primitivebettys said...

It is so great to see the rugs over & over again... each one is wonderful & awesome. Thanks for posting them. :)

Kathy (woolfind) said...

ginger, thanks so much for sharing the rest of the rugs. They are just wonderful! So much to look at and study. always like seeing how others color plan their rugs.

Nettie said...

Hi Ginger.... Some of the rugs were absolutely awesome. I just love to see other people's ideas,it gets my wheels turning in my head. I just started the Star-Spangled Horse a week ago, I didn't get too much completed but I will soon be ready to post a picture of it on my blog

Rugs and Pugs said...

Ginger ~
So many great rugs! Thanks for sharing.
Pug hugs :)

WoolenSails said...

Thank you for sharing with us. I haven't been to a rug show in ages and love seeing new things and all the beautiful designs.
