
Thursday, June 27, 2013

What Is That Cooking...Yarn, Fish, & Frog Legs!

The dye pots have been going almost non~stop and some wonderful colors are making their way from the dye bath  to outside to dry and then I have been rolling them into wonderful wool yarn cakes.  Ready to use for oxford punch, binding rugs, or even crochet!

This week the colors have been blues, rich browns with black, and a wonderful dirty white.  All great for backgrounds and so much more!

After they are rolled up they are being packaged for our little store we will have at Silver Dollar City this fall.  There is 35 to 40 yards in each wool cake.  The good part is it is ready to use no winding!

Oh and I forgot I did a few mustard cakes too and here is the rich earth browns with black. 

I did have to try out the dirty whites and just love the way the pumpkins turned out!

Over the weekend we had a fish fry and the guys also had some frog legs to cook up.

My dad's brother came up from Texas with his wife for a visit.  The two cowboys on the left "Dad and my Uncle Bill" caught the fish.
Dad started his chemo and radiation this week.  He goes early in the mornings to OKC and is back home by 8:30 and for now he is still baling hay!  We sure appreciate all the well wishes and prayers. 
We are taking one day at a time and are praying that the treatments shrink the tumor and dad stays as well as he possibly can. 
Happy Trails.....Ginger

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Busy Summer Days!

It has been way too long since I have updated.  So many things going on...where to begin!
 We took Sloan for a mini vacation to Silver Dollar City in Branson, Mo.  He told us best weekend of his entire life!  That boy is a character :) 
Sloan and Papa mining for gold (lots of interesting rocks)

He talked me into riding a small rollercoaster with him and a pirate ship and yes we both got soaked!
He like to froze eating dip n' dots!

Miss Eva Mae is quite a darling.  She loves books and is jabbering non~stop.  She has learned to say to love that!

Sloan was in a wedding as a ring bearer for his cousin.  He loved dressing up and decided he was one cool dude!

Father's day we spent at Mom and Dad's with a picnic and working.  Dad plowed up the potatoes and we did the gathering.

It was HOT but we all worked together and got it done.  The yard got mowed, a barn was cleaned out ready for more hay, and lots of kidding and visiting.
Sloan and Eva having a great time at a nearby waterpark.
Well I've been packing and pricing lots of rug hooking, oxford punch, needlepunch, wool applique', and patterns for Silver Dollar City.  It is all starting to come together for the adventure Pati Jane and I will be having soon.
Dad is suppose to start chemo and radiation soon.  He went in for a simple port to be put in for chemo and his lung collapsed.  He was on the mend and it collapsed again.  He spent about a week in the hospital and Mom would not leave except to run home and grab a few things.    By the end of the week he was setting on the edge of the bed with his jeans, cowboy hat, and boots on ready to go!
Did he take it easy after he got home!  Well no out cutting and baling hay the day after he got home.  Those two can run circles around me :)
Well I'm hoping to catch up on what all of you have been up to within the next few days!  Hope you all are taking time to enjoy a little summer fun :)
Happy Trails....Ginger