
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Trigeminal neuralgia

It has been one of those days! Trigeminal neuralgia or as some call it the suicide disease has hit once again. It has been described as among the most painful conditions known to mankind and I'm here to tell you I agree. The only relief I have found since about 4am this morning is ice. Can you say frozen suffering. I haven't had pain like this for over two years. The only good part of it the only thing I can tolerate eating is ice cream. I think all of this may have been triggered by a cold so tomorrow I'm off to the doc to at least get some meds once again for this problem. I don't have seizures but they do put me on seizure meds for it and I must say in the past it has keeping my fingers, toes, and eyes crossed that once again it will do the trick. Well got to go fill up my cup with ice once again!

Happy Trails....Ginger


  1. That sounds so bad. Hope you feel better soon. I have a friend with that problem, and I've seen what she goes through.

  2. ouch Ginger. I've never had that, and don't want it, but know some people that have really suffered from it. I hope you get some relief tomorrow from the doc. Take care of yourself.


  3. Ginger,
    I'm so sorry to hear you are suffering so much. I hope you get the meds tomorrow to give you relief. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Big hugs, Lori

  4. I've never heard of it and I hope the doc can get you some quick relief!!!
    Hugs :)

  5. Hi!!! Mine started acting up again a few weeks ago... have dr appt tomorrow..not much usually seems to help mine much...Hope you get some relief soon...

  6. Hope you feel better!!!!!! I sure don't like hearing you're in pain.
    take care!!!!

  7. oh dear.. Hope you feel better soon.
    sending you big hugs xxx

  8. Oh no..
    Double ouch.
    Saying a lil prayer for you Friend.

  9. Bless your heart, Ginger! I don't know much about this disease but it sounds painful! I have TMJ and suffer headaches frequently from I can sorta sympathize with you! Hope you feel better!


  10. Hi Ginger, I also feel so bad for you, sure hope you feel better soon. Blessings Francine.

  11. Oh No!!!! I'm so sorry you are in pain! My friends aren't suppose to hurt of ever feel bad!!!! Get better girlfriend!

    I wuvz ya!


  12. Oh Ginger.... this sounds awful to have to deal with! I sure hope you found some relief at the Dr.s. I will keep you in prayers that there is something they can do for this!!
    Cathy G

  13. How awful Ginger.
    I hope that you can get some meds to tame it down or keep it a bay. There is nothing worse than being in nonstop pain that just won't go away.

  14. I am so sorry to hear you are plagued with this! I have it also and it comes and goes at will. I had surgery on my face and that caused mine and now I just take the meds and it stays calmed down for the most part. Thinking about you!

  15. Ginger, I didn't know you suffer from this,but I'm praying for you and hope its all calmed down now.
