
Sunday, July 15, 2012

A Bounty of Pumpkins

Finally getting back into the groove of crafting. Oh it really never stops but it doesn't always flow so smoothly! I hop from one thing to another suppose I always will. It works for me and I never get bored :)

Come to think of it I usually want to do it all at once. Might just be why things don't always go so smooth!

I found some wonderful wool yarn that I just absolutely love and made up these little pumpkin pins. Actually I made a whole bunch of them :) Just need to get the pins on the back of them.

Then I grabbed my hook and with some scraps made this little prim rug. I do love working with scraps. Seems I have a never ending supply.

It's a busy month filled with birthdays to celebrate! A sister, niece, my dad, daughter~in~law, son~in~law, and friends.....

It's been a very busy time of year but before you know it these hot summer days will be turning into crisp and cool Autumn days and I can hardly wait :)

Happy Trails....Ginger


  1. You always have such nice things to share. I love those little pumpkins and the sunflower is so nice too.
    Does this mean you got your house all back to normal after the water leak? Good!

  2. Hello Ginger, love the little pumpkin pins, so sweet. Also the sunflower rug, really nice,great work.Blessings Francine.

  3. Love the pumpkins,both beautiful pieces.
    I think I need to punch something this week;)


  4. This is our month for birthdays too.Dad,sister,sister=in-law,daughter,grand daughter,grand son,and nephew.

    Love the new stuff.

  5. Love that sunflower! Great use of scraps. I don't think there is a such thing as scrap wool though. Us crafters will find a use for everything. :-)

  6. Very sweet! I'm working on some pumpkins too... trying to think of the cool Fall weather!

    Your pumpkins are made of yarn? Oh, do tell!! It looks great!

  7. Ooooooh yah! I'm on board with the crisp autumn air can't come fast enough! Seems I spend more time indoors in the ac during summer.... at least the other 3 seasons let me outside to enjoy some fresh air! lol! Love those little punkin's and your prim sunflower! I hope the floor install went smoothly!

  8. Beautiful woolie orange pumpkins.
    Will you be selling them?
    I love. Great job.

  9. Love your new projects, Ginger! Esp. love the primitive flower.


  10. yes, i love soup and bread days! will have to wait a bit tho, love your little pins and mat, nice to finish up things. enjoy your day!
