
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

A Free Doodle Just For You

Well another day is just about complete. It's been a busy one as usual with the daily chores of life but this evening I took a few hours and made a few more fabric covered composition notebooks. I have tubs of fabric so the possiblilites are endless.

I drew up several doodles this evening and thought I would share a couple with you. I'll post a few more in the next few days. Feel free to use them to your liking but please give credit to the designer.

These lil' guys sure look onery don't they???

Happy Trails....Ginger


  1. Déjà bientôt Halloween ?! Je vais être en retard alors ! Bisous et à bientôt

  2. C'est chouette avec le traducteur. Je ne l'avais pas vu, la dernière fois. Merci pour ces croquis. A bientôt

  3. They do look ornery, totally!!! I like that doodle. I wonder if I could turn it into a cross stitch chart? Hmmmmm... BTW, I really like that front green notebook cover. It's lovely!!

  4. Oh my Ginger..That one in the middle looks just like my man..hehe
    Thanks for sharing. So cool.
    Hugs Trace

  5. Love these doodles! They will be great for punching! Great fabrics on the notebooks too!

  6. Hello Ginger
    I tryed responding to your comment on my blog. My Craft Festival is in Ardmore Oklahoma not far from you. At the convention center right off of I-35. It is November the 11th, 12th and 13th. My booth will have a sign that reads The Rusty Thimble.
    I hope you do get to come

  7. Great work with your fabric covered notebooks! Good way to use up your left overs.. Love the doodles Ginger, So sweet of you to share, thanks!

  8. Are you doing the covers with glue? Cool idea! Thanks for the wicked cool doodles!

  9. Love your doodles...thanks so much and enjoy your day! Blessings
