
Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Stocking Doodles Just For You!

Here it is already December isn't it funny how quickly we go from the start of a New Year and then poof it's already the end. I must be growing old. I remember as a kid thumbing through the SEARS catalog and wishing and hoping for a long list of toys.

Here is a couple of free lil' doodles to use however you choose. Well got to run one busy lil' boy is keeping me on my toes today!

Happy Trails....Ginger


  1. Cute doodles and something that would be fun in punch. I am working on a quick scrappy hanging for my rack, head cold day and going to rest and sew.


  2. Thank you for the sweet snowman doodles Ginger! Just mentioning that Sears wishbook puts a smile on my face and makes me feel like a kid again! Hugs to you! ~Sharon

  3. Your doodles are so cute! Thanks for sharing them.

  4. Hey Ginger thanks for the free doodles! Oh i remember the good old sears catalog, picking out all those toys i would look at it for weeks!

  5. Love the doodles! I used to go through the Sears and Montgomery Ward catalogs both and dream, dream, dream! :)

  6. Thank you for the snowmen designs. I will add them to my collection.

  7. Ginger, I am really liking your designs. Great job. How is the weather there..... its finally cold here. Miss hearing from you. All the best,,,,,,, Kim
