
Thursday, December 31, 2009


Did you count your blessings for 2009...mine were unmeasurable! Family and friends have I many. I said goodbye to two dear great~aunts that went to live in heaven still a blessing. News of cancer and a radical surgery still a blessing, I still can see and talk with my daddy. A woman in my life who I try to pattern my own life after my Mom she's strong, encouraging, and always has a prayer upon her heart.

Three of the best sisters in the whole world. Yes I admit it I was the big sister who pestered each and every one of them...yet today I received a call from each one with the most encouraging words who could ask for more?

Blessings of two children that are grown and even through the ups and downs of life we have an unconditional love...we talk, we listen, and we respect one another.

The blessing of a grandchild who brings the most wonderful joy into our lives. He's a gift sent straight from heaven.

A husband that is my very best friend, the person I walk hand in hand with, lean upon, and confide in. We talk through our problems, we share in our joys as well as our sorrows....he's my blessing til death do us part.

My mother and father inlaw are a blessing. They are more than extended family we would do anything for one another. Along with extended family is the many nephews, nieces, aunts, uncles, cousins, and even grandparents that have passed away....all a blessing for we each have touched one another's life in some way.

Blessings of dear friends some silver some gold. Blessings of just a smile from a stranger, an encouraging word from a pastor, food upon our table, the warmth of a home on a cold, winter night.

My blessings are unmeasurable. Our lives and how we live them has an effect on so many others. So with the end of 2009 I look forward to the many blessings of 2010. Oh I know there will be tears of joy intermixed with tears of sorrow yet I still will count my blessings!

Happy New Year and Happy Trails.....Ginger


  1. You are truly blessed, Ginger! Finding the good in the bad is a treasured characteristic of a strong, kind heart! Blessings to you in 2010 and always! Hugs! ~Sharon

  2. Happy New Year Ginger! You certainly have been Blessed. Acknowledging it all is a Blessing in itself. Here's to another Blessed year for you!

  3. That was beautiful, Ginger! Happy New Year to you and the entire family. You warm my heart & I know I can look to you to learn, live, and count my blessings. Cheers to you dear friend!

    :) Betty

  4. Ginger ~ Betty took the words right out of my mouth. That was truly beautiful.
    Happy New Year to you and may 2010 be filled with more blesings.
    Pug hugs :)

  5. Ginger - You truly have one of the biggest hearts...I know it just from the way you write....have a wonderful 2010!! Laurie

  6. Just read your post with my eyes filled tears. You have such a positive outlook that it just can't help but flow over to others.

    Though I don't get to visit as often as I'd like, when I do, you are a blessing, Ginger!

    Wishing you many more blessings my friend,
