
Monday, July 20, 2009

Day 1 Jane Olson Workshop

If you ever have the chance to meet Jane Olson and take a class do it! You'll get more than you bargained for. She is a sweet lady with a gold mine of knowledge when it comes to rug braiding and hooking. I'd like to load her up in my car and bring her home!

Pati and I left Sunday morning around 6 am and headed for Lubbock, Texas. We had smooth sailing as there was little traffic. Once we reached our destination we were greated with Wool bag goodies and immediately began learning how to braid. Diane who travels with Jane started us on our rugs and Jane would come around often and sit and show us different shapes of braided rugs. Pati and I both began a round chair pad and we caught on pretty quickly to the braiding.

Penny was another gal that was wanting to learn the art of braiding and she began with an oval rug and by the end of the day she also had started a heart shaped one as well.

There are 13 students attending the workshop and I have learned so much in such a short time. Many of the students are rug hooking and so as new little tips and tricks were being discussed I couldn't help but to get up and go learn as well.

The meals have all been catered in and they have been so delicious....I think I've died and went to rug hookers heaven! Tomorrow we will be leaving for home and in the next few days hopefully I can share more pictures of the days spent here.

Happy Trails...Ginger


  1. Wish I could have gone to that class too.
    My braids do not look that nice. Can't wait to see all of you pictures.


  2. Sounds like so much fun!:) Something I've love to learn to do - someday...
    Looking forward to seeing more of your pictures.

  3. Oh goodness! It does sound like a DREAM WORKSHOP! So glad to hear you are having so much fun!! :)

  4. I love braided rugs but have never tried to make any. Sounds like it was a fun class.
