
Sunday, March 15, 2009

*~Over The Hill ~*
A '59 Model

Danny's sister "Karen" takes the good-natured kidding of being "50" very well. Of course growing up in a family of six kids you just better get use to kidding and lots of it!

Danny's mom made two cakes and boy were they good...homemade german chocolate cake and chocolate sheet cake!

Karen with her little granddaughter Chloe!

Chloe may be small but she sure can keep the boys on their toes. It's going to be lots of fun watching these little ones as they grow up.

A time to say goodbye for the day. We had lots of fun enjoying good food, family, and a warm sunny day!

Happy Trails....Ginger


  1. You just have to have a sense of humor, especially when you hit the big 50;)


  2. Looked like a LOT Of fun Ginger! It's great to have a sense of humor. Life's too short! Happy birthday to Karen..
    The kids are precious..

  3. Looks like fun was had by all. Being fifty is not so bad...just seems each birthday comes quicker after the big 50, but age is only a state of I think I am about 38..haha..
