
Friday, November 21, 2008

It's Game Time!

Well I do love a good game of Tag though this is my very first one to play on the computer. Thanks to my good friend Betty I have been officially tagged. So here goes ~

For the game ~ the rules are as follows:

Rule #1 ~ Link to the person that tagged you.
Rule #2 ~ Post the rules on your Blog.
Rule #3 ~ Write 6 random things about yourself.
Rule #4 ~ Tag 6 people at the end of your post.
Rule #5 ~ Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their Blog.
Rule #6 ~ Let the tagger know your entry is up.

MMMhhh let's see....
1. You will hardly ever see me wearing make-up! I have saved Danny tons of money on the stuff but found other ways to make~up for it! No pun intended!

2. I've never tasted a beer and no I'm not a goodie two shoes...just ask my sisters!

3. I've love Christmas music so much I have a clock that plays a Christmas tune on the hour every hour that I keep up year round.

4. I love to go fishing and my secret to catching fish is I sing to them.

5. I can't carry a tune to save my life!

6. I have a big sweet tooth! Just can't get enough desserts!

Wow that was harder than I thought. Now to find 6 of you to tag.

Cathy Jean of Aunt Daisy's Cottage
Debbie of Jus Gettin Along
Dianne of Plum Purdy Prim
JoEllen of BeFruitful Kreations
Beth of The Twist Family
Tammy of Treasured Heirlooms

With that done I'm off to tap a few people on the shoulders and tell them tag your it and then I need to find some dessert!

Oh yes, don't forget to sign up for the giveaway a few post below. I'll be hollaring out a name on Sunday evening.

Happy Trails...Ginger


  1. Thanks for playing the game! Hummmm... year round Christmas music? That might make the 100 degree temps in July feel a little cooler.


  2. You don't even need to taste the beer...I hate it never could stand the taste! Great finding out more about you...I'll be posting mine today:)

  3. Hi Ginger! I've left you an award on my blog if ya wanna go pick it up. I love your blog :-)

  4. Ginger, just wanted to thank you again for those AMAZING wool ornaments! The cat will stay out all year.
    ...and the snowman pin is so very sweet... I wore him yesterday at my open house!
    Blessings, Kimberly

  5. Thanks Ginger--not sure what I'm doing here-never tagged before. Fun to learn more about you.

  6. Someone who sings to fish,

    That sounds like someone i'd get along with ;)

    Sending you the light that is streaming through my window this spring morning,


  7. I didit!

  8. Ginger,
    Tag is "hard to play" heehee! :) but it's posted on my blog.
    Singing to the fish... I'll have to tell my son that one :)
