
Thursday, October 30, 2008

*~A Happy Halloween~*

Wishing each of you a day filled with lots of treats. I have always enjoyed Halloween although I like it for seeing the little kids in their costumes no matter if they are store bought or handmade. I have to admit though I don't like to go into haunted houses and I don't like scary movies.

When I was a kid we lived in town and way back then you could let your kids go trick or treating in the neighborhood with out much fear. Being the oldest of the kids I was in charge of my sisters as we went from door to door gathering goodies. One year we were allowed to go over to the next block as long as we stayed together.

One house was decorated with lots of Halloween lights and such. We went right up to the door and rang the bell. When the bell rang out swoops a ghost across the porch with scary music to go right along with it. Now being the oldest I had to take control of the situation. Now like I said I don't like scary stuff so I was off that porch as fast as could be and was running for home not sure if my sisters were behind me or not...each kid for themselves!

I'm sure the people at the house were getting a big kick out watching all those little kids running off in every direction. They probably saved alot of money on candy that year!

Our little community had Halloween early due to the Friday Night Football games. We saw kids of all ages dressed up for the occasion. I have to admit this little monkey was one of my favorites...then again this is Grandma's little monkey!


  1. Though Halloween isn't celebrated here, we're having a big party with the kids' school friends this afternoon. I'm excited! :D

  2. Oh my goodness Ginger! I have to say that is THE cutest little monkey I have ever seen! Thanks for sharing that sweet face with us!

  3. What a little doll! I don't like scary movies either.
    Happy Halloween to you.


  4. OMG Ginger!! Sloan is sooooo Cute!!! I love that picture~that would win a photo contest for sure!!!

  5. Grandma's little monkey is so very cute!

    Our trick or treating is tonight. I agree, I too love to see the kids in their costume's.

    Happy Halloween!

  6. I have to agree with you about scary movies. I'd much rather watch something lighthearted that makes me laugh.
    That is one adorable little monkey.

  7. Ginger, love the pic of your cute little monkey. My littlest one came by to see great grandma and he was a giraffe. My older ones also made it by to see Grandma&Granpa and were outer space aliens...all of them so cute! Life is so good when we have little ones in our life. Loved your story about when you were younger & out trick or treating. Thanks for sharing.

  8. I can certainly see why he is your favorite. I didn't know moneys ate pumpkins.


  9. That is my favorite lil' monkey too! How sweet!


