
Sunday, May 18, 2014

Growing Up Way Too Fast

Our lil' Sloan is a proud graduate of Kindergarten!  They had the cutest program and each student stated on a video what they want to be when they grow up....this young man is wanting to be an archaeologist and a scientist.

He truly enjoyed kindergarten and learned so much.

Miss Betty Rae came and her Aunt Sheena was happy to hold her during the program.

Little Eva Mae came, too and was excited to see Sloan on the stage and she made sure everyone knew she saw Sloan :)

Tee~ball has been in full swing and Sloan has his dad as the coach and his mom is the dugout mom!
Aunt Jenn took all the photo's for me as I was busy with Eva and keeping score for the teams.

Sloan was up to bat and guess what?????

Well that is what has been happening along with lots of crafting that I will show you this week.  Life is full of blessings be sure and count your blessings you will be surprised at how blessed we all are!
Happy Trails....Ginger


  1. Sweet! I wish my family was as close! I get to see grandbabies about once a year! Son and DIL are expecting again and this time it is a boy!!!
