
Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Lost In A Forest

Where is your focus this Christmas?  I have been asking myself the same question.  Do you sometimes feel like you are lost in a forest of a million trees.  Every direction you look something needs to be done...the cards need written, the gifts need bought and wrapped, the meals planned, oh and don't forget the laundry, paying the bills, taking care of the kids, and the list just goes on!
I asked Sloan yesterday when we were just taking a few moments to talk about his day and I asked him.... Do you know what Christmas is REALLY about?  Much to my surprise it wasn't about Santa and gifts he said Jesus being born.  Wisdom from a 6 year old :)
Have you ever wondered about the innkeeper of Bethlehem?  The census was being taken the city was full and here was a lady and her husband that had traveled so far and her time to deliver was so near.  I'm sure the innkeeper felt like he was in a forest....everywhere he turned something to do....his inn was full.  Nearby in his stable this woman and her husband found a place to deliver their baby OUR LORD!
The innkeeper was so busy he missed the visiting shepherds, the wise men, and the angels....yes right in his own backyard.

May we all step out of the forest and not be so pre-occupied this Christmas to worship the KING and put Christ back into the center of our lives!
May your hearts be filled with JOY this Christmas Season and into the New Year.
Happy Trails.....Ginger


  1. Amen! You certainly can learn a lot from a 6 year old... ;-) And thank you for your added wisdom too Grandma! :-)

  2. Beautiful post Ginger. I can't help think about your Christmas miracle ... God reaching down and healing your father. Blessings to you and yours this Christmas.
    The WAY in a manger.

  3. So well written. I totally agree with you. Loved ready this.

    Merry Christmas and many blessings to you.


  4. I just found your blog. your post was so beautiful and so right. He is the reason for the season. AMen and amen
