
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

A HEART That Is Full

Today my heart is absolute full of JOY.....I stopped by the post office and two packages were there waiting.....Kelley  (With Hook and Needle) sent me this package filled with wool appliques of hearts.  A box filled with them.....A few years back I was having a pacemaker replaced and the group AAPG gathered their needle, threads, and wools together and made blocks and sent them to Kelley.  She worked on putting them together and as life often does took a few twists and turns.  Family needs should always be at the top of our list and Kelley has done just that....she is an AMAZING GAL!!!!!

As I looked at each block and the stitching that went into them I can't believe the beautiful treasure that came to me from so many different directions.  Hopefully each gal will know how very blessed I feel.

I have decided to make them into different size pillows and place each pillow in a different room throughout the house so that as I go about my day I can enjoy them as I step into each room.

Thank you to each and everyone that put a stitch into these beautiful blocks.

They are all so very unique and just makes my heart sing with JOY over the kindness from all my AAPG friends.

The second package came from Robin in Kansas and she does some of the most wonderful locking hooking I have ever seen.  The red *white* blue is a cover for a kindle fire.  It has a very beautiful button on the front and her workmanship is AMAZING!!!! Along with the cover was a wool tree with a spool trunk, a candle that smells heavenly, awesome hand soaps, hand sanitizer and candies!  Thank you Robin :)

It truly has been a day full of wonderful surprises.....

My mom called today and the test results for my dad has come back negative for esophagus cancer.  The chemo and radiation worked.....but mostly I know that the many prayers for him worked the miracle!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the prayers ..... I am very thankful and my heart is FULL!

Happy Trails......Ginger


  1. What wonderful surprises and I like the idea of hearts in every room. I have gifts from all of my friends throughout the year and being able to see them every day, lifts my heart.


  2. Thank God on his great results!

    Happy for you to receive the kindness of others, esp. Kelley, her plate is quite full. Hope the rest of your week goes just as well.

  3. What treasures. Those heart blocks are wonderful.
    So happy to hear about your dad. A Christmas miracle thanks to prayers.
    Merry Christmas!
    Hugs :)

  4. What wonderful surprises! I love your idea of making pillows and putting one in every room! Really like the cover for the kindle fire too! So glad your dad's test results came back negative, great news!

  5. Sooooooo glad to hear about ur dad!!!!! My hubby has been fighting brain cancer for 4 years. Peace & love to you all.

  6. What a wonderful day! So glad to hear about your dad too! Love seeing all the hearts and I'm sure it's so awesome to have them in each room.

    Merry Christmas!

  7. Well Howdy! I was wondering where all those hearts went! lol! Enjoy stitching all those little pillows... you will have hugs wherever you go! :-) PTL your Dad is doing fine and tests came back negative! Sending prayers your way for many happy years together as a family!
