
Tuesday, July 23, 2013


This rug has been needing finished for a long time.  I finally set down and finished up the background and added the border.  Pulled the last loop and now to get it bound.  If you are interested this is a pattern by Pine Island Primitives.   Think I will place it in front of the fireplace where the grandkiddo's like to set and look at books :)

Started this scrappy little rug on Saturday and finished pulling the last loop on Saturday evening.

With the same pile of wooly worms and a bit of scrap monks cloth made a small little scrappy mat.  With hooking all these pieces I have lots of wooly snippets for stuffing :)
Now to get everything bound!

A week or so ago I spent the day dyeing about 200 skeins of wool yarn.  With the Oklahoma winds and the sunshine it doesn't take long to dry.  Pati and I are building a website that will offer wool yarns, patterns, and finished goods later this fall.
Our 6 weeks of demonstrating at Silver Dollar City is coming up soon and we have a few things left to finish up!

We had our little rug hooking group here on Saturday and Sandra and Pati were both able to come.

There was 10 of us in all.  We enjoyed our time spent together and it will be October before we will all be able to meet again. 
Mom even got to come over and stitch.  Dad is doing pretty good with the chemo and radiation.  He continues to cut and bale hay but does rest when he needs too.  We are so thankful that he is getting through this.  The daily driving to radiation does get tiring for Mom and Dad but hopefully in a few weeks that will be done.
We have one more family gathering planned before school starts!  We have a few July birthdays to celebrate and we do enjoy getting together :)
Happy Trails.....Ginger


  1. Wow beautiful.
    Love the photo of wool tied to fence.
    SO fun.
    So happy your dad is doing ok.
    Praying for continued strength and healing.
    Woolie Blessings

  2. Wow the rug is so sweet..super sweet.
    Me so glad that your dad is doing great..he is in my prayers.
    Sending you big hugs...
    Love cucki x

  3. Your Dad must be one tough customer to keep up the physical work during all of this. You are all in my prayers.

  4. Ginger,
    Your farm scene rug is wonderful. I bet the kids would love to look at it while they sit and play. I have the one from Pine Island with the ship, big flowers and saltbox houses to hook. Love how your yarns look hanging on the line. You are one ambitious gal and get so much done. How blessed you girls are to have your rug hooking group. Thanks for sharing. Hugs, Lori

  5. Ginger, I love your two hooked pieces and you have some luscious looking wool yarn hanging to dry. Looking forward to your venture.

    Glad your dad is coming along with the chemo, it certainly takes a lot out of a person and good he is staying active but for sure he needs to rest to let his body heal.


  6. great photos, love the rugs. Hugs and blessings to your Dad & Mom.

  7. The farm scene rug is wonderful! I am not a rug hooker so I would rather be able to purchase a quilt design of this.

  8. It is great to hear (read) a post from you. I know you & Pati have got to be busy! I'm so excited you will have a website too!!! Way to go girls!!!

    And I am so very happy your Dad is doing well. :-)

  9. Your finished rugs are lovely !
    Scrappy rugs are the best. ;)
    Glad you Mom and Dad are weathering what is before them...and maybe can see the end of treatments in sight.
    Wish I lived close to Oklahoma, would love to see your demonstrations !
