
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Strawberry Needlecases and Celebrations!

I've been punching again and these strawberries are making some SWEET needlecases!
If you would like to see how I put them together stop by our Prairie Moon Primitives Blog and see how they are simple and quick to make.
Lots of celebrations going on this past weekend!
Eva Mae turned 1 and has decide walking is much better than being held.  She is one busy lil' gal.
Danny's dad turned 80 this weekend and we had a wonderful family gathering with a cookout and lots of visiting!
The weather here has been a bit crazy.  I'm not complaining by any means.  Today we enjoyed 80 degrees and tomorrow will be much the same.  By Thursday they are forcasting snow in the northwest part of Oklahoma and dropping temps here in the heart of Oklahoma.  Like they say if you don't like the weather just wait it will change :)
Happy Trails....Ginger


  1. Your strawberries are lovely !
    But, sorry to say, your sweet Eva Mae stole the show ! That is a very busy age. ;)

  2. So cute I love them.
    Happy Birthday to your beautiful Granny Girl.
    Woolie joy

  3. Happy Birthday to Eva!
    Ginger you have won my giveaway for April please send me your address, congrats and thank you for signing up

  4. Hi Ginger - love the strawberry needle case.
    I will have to make me one sometime as I keep putting my needles in pin cushions and sometimes they go too deep and I loose them...LOL
    Oh my Eva Mae is just too cute and HAPPY BIRTHDAY sweet girl!

  5. I love your cases, nice design and beautifully made.
    Eva Mae is such a cutie.


  6. Ginger,

    Your strawberry cases are so cute and your Eva Mae is adorable! :)


  7. Love your needle cases!Happy Birthday to Eva Mae!She is adorable.Hugs,Jen
