
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Prairie Sunshine

Today we are enjoying a sunny day filled with light breezes sweeping across the Oklahoma prairie's.  The wind is suppose to be increasing and the temps will be dropping and a touch of winter is on the way.  I know a lot of the eastern states are having another round of bad weather and I hope all of you are safe and warm.
Well I've been punching and hooking up more little rugs and these little snowmen are some of my newest little pieces.  I guess I do better having a little pile hooked or punched up then bind them all in a day or two or that is at least what I hope to do!

Old Saint Nick is all punched and needs binding, too.

This little red house and flowers needs steamed then bound. 
Last night I started this and hope to have it finished by tonight so I can steam and bind it with the others.
Since it is so nice today thought I would hang out the sheets and they are lazily flapping in the breeze!
This little ladybug decided to take a rest :)
Hope your enjoying your Wednesday I know I am!
Happy Trails.....Ginger


  1. Wow such lovely projects ..they all so cute..
    Take care dear and keep warm xxx

  2. Yes, we have wind and rain, but not too bad. Good day to stay in and work on projects.


  3. Beautiful punching! I can almost feel that sunshine!!!

  4. cute photos, love the little rugs & mats, the snowmen look very happy!

  5. You never cease to amaze me at what you accomplish!
    Enjoy the sunshine!
    Hugs ;)

  6. More great works!

    As for the lady bug... good grief! My studio/shop is FILLED with them. Oh well... they are cute company. :-)

  7. Evening Friend
    Oh how I love those rugs.
    Just beautiful.
    Love the photo of the sheet blowing in the breeze too.
    Woolie Love

  8. Love all your new pieces!Wish I was half as fast as you.LOL!Hugs,Jen
