
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Half A Century What A Blessing!

Seems like just a few years ago I was a kid playing with my sisters, riding a bike with a banana seat, screaming at the top of my lungs through the pipe on the swingset, playing tackle football with the neighborhood kids.  I grew up fishing, learning how to clean fish, mowing lawns, climbing trees, and just enjoying pestering my sisters! 
I met my true love in junior high and we began dating at the ripe age of 16.  First boy I ever dated and we married when we got out of high school.
Two years later a lil' red headed boy stole my heart again and then a lil' blonde~headed gal came along and filled my heart up once more.  Hard to believe they are all grown up with a family of their own.
Two of the sweetest grandchildren a MOMO could ask for grace our home on a weekly basis while their Moma's and Daddy's work.  They give the bestest hugs and kisses.
I am truly blessed to have had 50 years of memories....Grandparents that I will always remember...Parents that loved me and encouraged me all through my life and still do!  Sisters that will always be my best friends.  A husband that loves me unconditionally, children that I adore as well as their spouses....and of course those lil' grandbabies. 
Nieces and nephews that make me smile.  Then there are cousins, aunts, and uncles that always have me remembering the good ol' days.  I have a wonderful extended family that I gained when Danny and I married....I couldn't have asked for better :) 
Friends near and far that have blessed my life far more than they will ever know! 
Yes in a short 50 years I have made a lot of memories.  Life has thrown the occasional curve ball but I can truly say I am happy and whatever days the Lord wants to give me here on this earth I'll welcome each and everyone!
Now my dear Mom baked me an apricot cobbler and a coconut cream pie with meringue so this gal is going to have a piece of  both this evening and savor every bite!

Happy Trails to You....Ginger


  1. Ginger ~
    What a beautiful post. Happy, happy birthday to you and many, many more.
    Birthday hugs :)

  2. Happiest of Birthdays to you Ginger! What a great post and be sure to stop by AAPG for more birthday Greetings!!
    Cathy G

  3. Happy Birthday, Ginger! I hope you have many, many more great birthdays to come!

    Bear Hugs & Blessings~Karen

  4. Happy birthday! You make 50 look good!!! And the real gift is that you know you are blessed!!! Here's to 50 more!!

  5. So sweet
    Happy happy birthday dear
    Lots of love for you and blessings
    Cucki x

  6. The Happiest of Everything to you on your Birthday and all through the years ahead! You certainly know how to fill your days with love, goodness and FUN! We are all lucky to have met you! Big hugs to you!!!

  7. Ginger, you do have blessings all around... and I truly love that having you as a friend is one of mine! <3 Love ya girl! Happy Birthday!

  8. May you have many blessings on your Birthday! The respect for your family is wonderful to see in this present day. I really liked reading about your "50" years. May you have many more Happy Birthdays. Sarah in OK

  9. Happy Happy Birthday to you.
    Hope you had a wonderful day!!!

  10. Hope you had a wonderful birthday Ginger. Love your post!!


  11. Happy Birthday, Ginger! (I'm not far behind you, and I'm fighting it all the way!)

  12. *****many blessings for the year to come. you are NOT getting older...only better and you will truly see this come to fruition during the fifties. i think that they are considered the "new" thirties? are blessed with lots of talent and a wonderful
    family! tom

  13. Happy Birthday! Love your post and your words will stay with me as my *milestone* birthday is Monday.
