
Sunday, September 23, 2012

Friends, Fair, and NYC

We started off the weekend with a group of ladies coming out to the farm for the day filled with hooking, punching and stitching. Pati Jane always is smiling!!!!

I had a table full of floss for the girls to take as much as they wanted. Can you believe I had lots left. I'm packing it up for my Aunt and her quilting buddies!

Sloan came over Saturday evening after the gals left to spend the night....seems like we haven't spent a weekend together since he began school. After church Sunday morning Papa and I took him to the state fair.

He enjoyed riding a horse, trying his hand at milking a cow, playing dart games and ball games. He won several prizes! I think he had a great time :)

Now a quick question....Danny and I will be visiting NYC the middle of October and want to go to a couple of Broadway shows so any suggestions? Also, have you been to NYC and what do you recommend doing??? We have been before but would like to hear some suggestions of what to do. We might even take a trip over into New Jersey. So with that said can't wait to hear what suggestions you might have :)

Happy Trails....Ginger


  1. You always have a fun time! <3

    Enjoy yourselves in NYC & NJ. I've never been that far east. Maybe someday. While you are in NJ, you might look Sharon up! Have fun & safe travels!!

  2. WOW busy week! Looks like I missed out on a fun Saturday too! Where in the world did you come up with so much floss!! I spent most of the day in bed due to headaches etc. I used to love going to the fair but it has changed so much! Looking forward to Frank's weekend! I have only been to NY once and didn't make it past the airport. Look forward to hearing about your adventures. Vickie

  3. I love visiting your blog and seeing pictures of Sloan and things you are doing.

  4. Ginger ~
    What a fun weekend with the girls! Now that is A LOT of floss. Have you given up punching or is that just your excess?
    Sloan is getting so big. Too darn cute.
    Can't help you with any plays, but if you've not been up in the Statue of Liberty (can you do that now?) it was worth the hike up. When I was there and my boys were teens, I so wanted to go to Ellis Island but they did not. Some day...
    Hugs :)

  5. Wow! That's a truckload of floss! lol! Looks like Sloan had a lot of fun at the fair. I can't recommend any shows or stuff in NYC because I haven't been there for about 20 years or so. Can't say there's too much happening in NJ either.... that's why I go to PA all the time! lol! You really should try and visit Grant Street Woolworks out in PA! I hope to get there one day soon. There is also the Brandywine hook-in sometime mid-october... whatever you chose, have FUN!!!
