
Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Silent Angel

This weekend Danny and I took a little trip to pick up a few supplies and as most always I brought along something to do. It's been oh so hot here in Oklahoma and we have been having some terrible fires in some of the nearby communities. We are in desperate need of some rain. Praying that we find relief soon.

AS I set in the truck while Danny was in the tool stores I began this needle punch piece of a tombstone angel. Years ago we wondered through the historic graveyards of Boston and we would often see the tombstone angels. I will be offering it as a pattern at our etsy shop soon.

Today after church I had a little time to begin this new piece while watching lil' Eva Mae. Her dad and mom along with PaPa went to try and move back some of the debris from the fires that came so dangerously close to an empty house they have.

One more full week of having Sloan here during the day then he is off to school. I'll probably be the one boo hooing when he goes....Don't they grow up fast?????

Well I'm off to punch, punch, punch!

Happy Trails....Ginger


  1. Your angel is wonderful, though I cannot believe you can punch so well in a car, lol. I love visiting graveyards and looking at the stones.


  2. I like the angel, it's hard letting them go back to school. I always cried, but never let mine know it!

  3. I love your angel so much..I love visiting graveyard fav time..
    Love your new start too..
    Happy Monday xxx

  4. Ginger ~
    You are just a punchin' fool! Love the tombstone angel!
    Happy to hear that you and your family are safe.
    Hard to believe it's school time again. I thought our schools started early but nothing compared to yours.
    Hugs :)

  5. Love the Angel Ginger

    Hope all of the fires are now under control, praying for the MANY families that have lost so much

    And yes still praying for rain

    Have a wonderful week
