
Friday, September 26, 2014

With A Hook and A Punch!

September is quickly passing and we have been busy working at Silver Dollar City and have met so many wonderful folks.   Ann's husband Bill came out for a visit and gave her quite a surprise showing up a few hours early.  She didn't recognize him at first :)  

Loved seeing him dressed the part for the 1800's.....

Mr. Bill had never punched before but as luck would have it Ann taught him how within a matter of minutes and soon he was showing the kiddos how to punch :)

By the 2nd day he was giving out info like a pro!  Thanks Bill for helping us gals out!

Sandy met us last year and bought an Oxford Punch needle and look at some of the great rugs she made!  She tried all sorts of yarns and did a FANTASTIC job on all of them!  I just love seeing what everyone makes.

There are lots of different crafts going on and I stopped on my way back from delivering a package to take a quick picture of a man making a rolling pin.  He was making it on a lathe turned by the big wheel.  

Wishing each of you a weekend of smiles :)

Happy Trails......Ginger

Sunday, September 21, 2014

A New Oxford Puncher in The Family!

I have been out at Silver Dollar City and will be here until the end of October 25th.  Danny comes out when he can and he has been demonstrating Oxford Punch Needle.  Look at all he made in the last couple of days!  

Each one is about 20 inches across.

I bet Sloan would love this pumpkin!  I will have to see if I can make them into pillows for the kiddos!  

Next, maybe I can have him demo punching some stockings and give them to the kiddos for Christmas!

He was really good with showing the kids how to oxford punch and occasionally he was even doing the needle punch :)

We even had some men interested in learning how to do needle punch!  I think it is really great that so many people no matter what age  want to learn how to hook and punch.

If you get a chance to visit us we are at Silver Dollar City just outside of Branson, Mo.  Our booth is on the square across the street from the General Store we would love to see you!

Happy Trails....Ginger

Friday, September 19, 2014

Fall Festival at SDC

What a surprise Danny came out to Branson last night late to see me and is staying the weekend.  We quickly put him to work demonstrating Oxford Punch Needle.  He had a pumpkin made by the time the day was over.    I will show it to you soon as I get it pressed!  

Just look at all the kids surrounding Ann wanting to learn how to punch isn't it great!  Even kids can punch.  

We are having a great time at Silver Dollar City at the Harvest Craft Festival.  Love the music played throughout the day and all the visitors stopping by our booth.  It is a great way to teach folks of all ages how to do punch needle, oxford punch, rug hooking and locker hook.  

Miss Betty is getting so big while I am gone....sure do miss this lil' darlin'  

Of course Eva Mae is missed lots by Momo, too I talk to her on the phone and she is full of energy and excitement!

Sloan was thrilled when I sent him a card about missing him.  He got new glasses while I have been gone.  The lil' toot has learned how to do face talking on the phone so while I was talking to him this evening we were getting a big kick out of seeing each other as we talked.  

Momo sure misses those kiddos!

I did a quick little youtube video to help out some beginning needle punchers if you want to check it out.  Here is the link....

Happy Trails.......Ginger

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Home Away From Home

Ann and I are staying in Missouri until the end of October .....we arrived at Silver Dollar city and we have a booth this year on the square.  Doesn't it look grand!  We will be here until October 26th and we would love to meet you!

Each morning at the opening we honor our veterans by having a flag ceremony with the Pledge of Allegiance and the National Anthem right in front of our booth!   What a great way to start the day!

Our first shoppers were two sisters from the Branson area we met last year!  Sandy and Karen two of the sweetest gals and we are so lucky to know them.  

Here are a few shots of the inside of our booth.

Ann was a bit cold the first day we started  the day was damp and cold but we stayed busy.

Today the temperatures were  warmer and the sunshine sure felt good.  

Back home in Oklahoma my mom and sis Jane have been entering contest at the State Fair with their cooking skills.  Mom placed first in the Bisquick contest with her Peach Cobbler winning a blue ribbon and $200!
Little did she know she was also featured on Channel 4 news for winning...congratulations Mom!

My sister, mom and my niece have all won prizes this year at the fair.....They have a few more  contest coming up this week.

Now to back track a little.  Earlier last week Ann and I came out to Missouri a bit early and stopped at Warsaw at the Truman Lake Hook-In and vended. 

It was a wonderful show and we want to thank Patty Wallace of Saltbox Primitive Woolens  and her group they did an outstanding job with putting it all together.  The hospitality was above and beyond!  Thank you so much.
This is a picture of our booth packed to the brim.

Ann is such fun she is so full of energy.

Here we both are and thanks to everyone who stopped by.

This is my good friend Jan she is quite the wool sock knitter.  She has an antique sock machine and I just love the socks she has made.  They are as comfortable as can be. 

We met with Jan and some of her friends for a day of rug hooking and fellowship and we can not thank them enough for their dear friendships!  Thanks to Pam for the hospitality of her home and kitchen what a wonderful group of gals we have truly been blessed.

Now one last thank you.....There has been several people stop by our booth and say they have visited my blog and drove all the way out to see me and meet me or have sent their Mom to visit and say their daughter reads my blog......Do you know how much that means??????  

I will say it again.....I AM TRULY BLESSED IN SO MANY WAYS and thank you to EACH AND EVERYONE THAT STOPS BY TO READ THIS truly does mean so much.

Wishing you a week filled to the brim with sunshine and smiles.

Happy Trails.......Ginger

PS....I'm missing my lil' grands and of course the rest of the family, too.  

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Autumn Blessings and Off to the 1800's

My sweet and talented friend Betty sent me some wonderful handmade blessings in the mail.  This Jack O'lantern is so cool and is mounted to an awesome painted box and is filled with treats.  

Also, this darling sheep stuffed and on old wood thread spools with a cute little wool tail and ear.  

Even more a great pumpkin pin with a little key attached and two great smelling cowgirl soaps, an awesome necklace made of wool applique on one side and cross stitch on the other and a gift card to Freddie's.  
My goodness the box was packed to the brim with so much wonderful things.  Thank you Betty you are such a generous gal and such a dear friend!

Well, I have been packing the truck and the cargo trailer along with Danny's help!  I lack just a few things and if I forget something oh well :)
The little girls have been sick so have been over helping Jenn out as much as I can and hoping by tomorrow they are ALL feeling better.....Momma Jenn included!  It is hard having sick babies and not feeling well yourself.  

Sloan has had his grandparents on his Mom's side up staying at his house and his PaPa fell and broke 2 ribs so they have extended their stay for a few more days.  Praying he gets better real soon.  Tomorrow after school I promised Sloan we will go get one more snowcone before I head off to Missouri.   I'm going to miss those kiddos and of course the rest of the family!  Good thing we have all this wonderful technology to keep in touch.

I will try to update my blog and show you what is happening!  Wishing you all a Happy Autumn :)

Happy Trails....Ginger