
Saturday, April 5, 2014

Yarn Scraps and Oxford Punching

You can use up lots of yarn scraps easy with an oxford punch needle and have some things to use around your home.  On this first one I drew a 15" circle and just punched around and around.  It will make a nice scrappy chairpad.

Some 8" square blocks done in straight lines 

Another 8" square done around and around

One more 8" square with a punched brown X then filled in with lots of scraps of yarn

All of these smaller pieces will work great as a hot pad since they are 100% wool yarn or just fun little pieces to sit about the house.

Thanks so much for all the prayers for our little Betty Rae I do appreciate all your thoughts and prayers for her.  

Happy Trails.....Ginger

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Cabins, Sunflowers, Worms and Kiddos!

I love log cabins and would love to have a little one off in the woods.  So I punched a little one surrounded by sunflowers :)

Look at all these colorful yarn worms :)  They are going into a scrappy project or two!  Oxford punch makes it easy to get some projects made up fast :)

Of course I had to add a picture of the kiddos....Eva Mae loves her lil sis Betty Rae and gives her lots of kisses throughout the day.  Sloan is very protective of his little cousins and thinks of them as his lil' sisters.  

I do have a special request .....Miss Betty  is growing and gaining weight but has a couple of heart issues and we are certainly hoping and praying that it is minor and will heal up on it's own.  She will be visiting a pediatric cardiologist to get a good check over.....please say a prayer for her and her family I would greatly appreciate it.  I know God hears each and every prayer.

Happy Trails......Ginger