
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Punch Needle Fever!

I think my poor punchneedle may just be smoking!  Punching overtime for this fall for when we go to Silver Dollar City. 
We were invited to go out the last of August to do the Southern Gospel Festival as well as the National Harvest Festival in September. 
So the crafting time has been going full force!
Needle punched book covers :)

Old jars with needle punched lids.

Dancing rabbits on a covered box.

Love in the pasture!
Thank you for all the thoughts and prayers for our state.  It has been a tough week for a lot of people but so many have come together to help one another!
On a sad note my dad once again is battling cancer.  He has esophageal cancer and has some decisions to make.  Please keep him and my dear mom in your prayers.
Happy Trails....Ginger

Monday, May 20, 2013

Oklahoma Needs Your Prayers

As a lot of you may already know Oklahoma has been having some very violent tornados the last couple of days.  Today Moore, OK was hit by a huge tornado and so many victims are being impacted by this terrible storm.   We have a lot of friends in the area and the phone lines are jammed.   I ask that you please keep all of those families that has been affected by this as well as all the many emergency workers and volunteers in your prayers.   God hears each and every one!

With a very heavy heart for all those that lost loved ones.....Ginger

Thursday, May 16, 2013

I'm A Lucky Gal

I am one lucky gal I recently won this wonderful make~do made by Brenda of The Rusty Thimble!
She lives right here in Oklahoma and makes some incredible primitive wares.  You should check out her blog and see what all she accomplishes!  Thanks so much Brenda I do love this make do and will treasure it and think of you each time I look at it!
The spring rains continue to fall and we are so blessed to be out of the drought that has been in Oklahoma the last few years.

The flowers are blooming and I love having the windows open feeling the cool winds blow as rain comes down with an occasional thunderstorm.
This little bluebird has been making a nest in one of the birdhouses.  It dips and dives around the yard and has the most beautiful blue feathers and red belly!
School days are ending today for Sloan and he is so excited to be going from Pre~K to Kindergarten.  How fast he is growing up!   Those grandkiddo's keep me busy but I do enjoy having them live so close.  I am one lucky gal :)
Happy Trails....Ginger

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Every Day Has It's Blessings!

The days are passing so fast!  This lil' gal looks forward to picking her cousin Sloan up from school on the days I have her.  He is just as excited to see her!  I think she is eyeing my wool  maybe she will be hooking rugs in the future!

The last days of Pre~K are almost here and so I put the punch needle to work and whipped out some little gifts for Sloan's teacher and teacher aides. 

I made them into little notebook covers that will fit into a purse for a quick little note!

They can be easily replaced with new paper....simple little gifts for some very deserving teachers!

Today we celebrated Mother's Day with Danny's folks as well as mine.  The cows decided they needed to get a head start on helping with the lawn. 

Excuse me but the lawn mower and the weedeater will take care of that!

That's right head right on out that gate and back to the rest of the herd :)

The day was just too nice to spend it indoors so I grabbed my punch needle and headed to a shady spot!

This is my take on a old pattern....The original designer of this pattern is unknown but isn't it a fun piece!

More punches waiting to be made into something.
Miss Eva is keeping me busy as she is constantly on the GO!
Awww a moment to relax :)
Wishing all you Mom's a very Happy Mother's Day!
Happy Trails....Ginger