
Sunday, April 29, 2012

Catching a Few Winks!

Thanks to all for the wonderful comments on our new little addition to the family. Her Mommy and Daddy are getting into a routine of sorts and are finally getting a few winks of sleep. Oh those first few days and weeks take some getting use too!

I have been over to visit and give them a little break here and there and of course I just love holding and snuggling our little cutie patootie! Sloan hasn't seen her yet but come Tuesday he will finally get to meet his little cousin....

In between all of the excitement I finished up the Antique inspired Rug. I oxford punched this one and really like how it turned out. It's simple without a lot of detail and now to find a place for it.

Well this old granny "MoMo" is a bit worn out, too. Think I'll go find a soft spot to catch a few winks myself.

I haven't forgot about doing a giveaway just need to do a little finish work!

Happy Trails.....Ginger

Friday, April 27, 2012

A Bundle of Love!

Miss Eva Mae made her arrival yesterday April 26th, 2012
She weighed 6 pounds 10 ounces and is 19 inches long.

Her Mommy and Daddy are doing just fine and are already home with her.

We have truly been blessed!

Happy Trails......Ginger

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Loop By Loops and In The Garden

Well the weekend has come to an end once again....the lawn is mowed, some chores were done and loop by loop the big farm rug is getting done.

It will be nice to be done but still a lot of loops to go.

I did finish this pumpkin and crow chair mat designed by Wendy Miller of The Red Saltbox.

My Mom and Dad must have a LOT of energy just look at the garden they have started.

Beets, tomatoes, onions, and corn so far!

Well we are still awaiting the arrival of a sweet baby girl....hoping it will be this week. Sloan keeps asking Aunt Jenn how Eva Mae is. He is getting pretty excited about seeing his new little cousin :)

Happy Trails....Ginger

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Take Me Out To The Ballgame!

Fun and lots of laughs that is what we had watching the little T~Ball kids playing this evening. It was cut short by stormy weather but while it lasted we had a great time.

Not sure that he keeps his mind on the ballgame too much....then again he does see a ball or two come by.

Dugout time!

He did hit the ball and ran around the bases but they got him out but he never knew it!

Hey have you been playing long???

Sloan and his Dad....I can remember taking his dad to t-ball practice!

Always got his eyes on the girls!

What ya doing after the game?

Never did get any peanuts or crackerjacks! Maybe next time :)

Happy Trails....Ginger

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Antique Inspired Rug

I started my 2nd antique inspired rug....You can find the challenge pattern over at Kelley's Blog With Hook & Needle if you would like to participate. I decided to do this one with the oxford punch needle. The trees and birds look like "blobs" until you fill the background in around if you try oxford punch don't worry about things when you are punching just stay within the lines and once the background is filled in it will turn the blobs into just what you wanted!

Happy Trails....Ginger

Monday, April 16, 2012

Are you Sure It Isn't Christmas!

Sometimes in life blessings come from folks you have never met! Today just happens to be one of those days. Miss Sharon a wonderful gal that I only know through an ebay group and her blog Moosecraft USA sent me a box full of blessings!
The cross stitched "SPRING" pillow is just so sweet and I love each and every stitch of it. She does beautiful work!

If that wasn't enough just look at what else was in the box....I'm thinking today felt like Christmas!

Lotion to put on my dry hands and it sure smells and feels good. A magazine full of delicious sounding recipes and a notebook to fill with notes and ideas.

Yarns for punching, a tin to fill with take along projects, and a sweet card from Sharon.

Antique thread bobbins :)

An adorable bunny!

And....this cow's just MOOOvalis!

I feel so richly blessed not just by the gifts but by the treasured friendships that I have that stretch across the many miles.... Thank you again Sharon!

Happy Trails....Ginger

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Spending the Day with Friends!

It was a day spent with friends....First Sloan goes to a little pre~school twice a week for a couple of hours and he has a best friend. A little girl to be exact and they always look for each other and always have to tell each other goodbye several times before leaving. He talks of her often throughout the week and I hear that she talks about him often, too....little friendships start early!

I found these little blank notecards today at Michael' the dollar bin and just had to try out drawing some little kids and using some copic markers on them.

Once Sloan was off to school with the promise of Aunt Jenn picking him up for an afternoon of lunch, feeding the ducks, and more fun....I was off to rug hooking with the gals.

Pati Jane brought sweet little Emma. She is such fun and such a cutie. I gave her my phone to play Old MacDonald and she caught on quickly of what to do!

I was busy playing with her I forgot to snap pictures of everyone and what they were working on....but I did get a few photo's of our star hooker Kay's things she had done.

I did manage to whip this little rug that I had finished hooking. I'm calling it "Land That I Love".....

I'm on countdown waiting on the arrival of Miss Eva Mae....about 19 days to go but then you just never know about babies. I know Jenn will be glad when she is finally holding her in her arms! The months seemed to have passed quickly but the last few weeks always seem to take the longest....

Happy Trails.....Ginger

Sunday, April 8, 2012

He Lives....Happy Easter

I do hope each and everyone had a most wonderful Easter.

During the quiet hours of my days I often think of the sacrifice that the Lord made for me. He took all my sins upon him and with that I can be set free. I think of the heartache that his mother felt as she watched and listened to all that was happening to her son. It breaks your heart thinking of the beatings he took for you and me. Yet.....He Lives, He Lives, Christ Jesus Lives today! He walks with me and talks with me along life's narrow way. He lives, He lives, salvation to impart! You ask me how I know he lives? He lives within my heart.

May your days be richly blessed with the joy of Christ living in your heart!

Happy Trails.....Ginger

Monday, April 2, 2012

It's April....Counting down the days!

The bed is ready, the little clothes are all washed and waiting, plenty of blankets, diapers, and wipes, too! The owls are all saying WHO, WHO is coming.....Little Eva Mae is due at the end of the month. Our daughter and son~in~law are getting excited and before you know it they will have a sweet baby girl to hold.
Sloan will have a new little cousin to play with and teach her all the rules or so he says!

This little bunny hit the "jackpot" with this big carrot!
While I play so does a little boy....
He REALLY likes monsters! Just wish I could get him to write his name....

I'm thinking it's just about time for another giveaway so will see what I can come up with!

Happy Trails.....Ginger