
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Santa Claus Is Coming!

You Better Watch Out....You Better Not Pout.....You Better Not Cry.....I'm Telling You Why.....


I've got me one happy lil' elf all excited for Christmas. Hope your days are Merry and Bright!

Just listed a lot of things on ETSY all in time for Christmas!

We are suppose to have a wintery mix coming in this weekend....time to get the cocoa, wood for the stove, and some projects ready to work on! Wherever you are hope your staying nice and warm!

Happy Trails....Ginger

Monday, November 28, 2011

A Day Of Happiness!

I received a tremendous amount of birthday wishes and it really was such a heartwarming day! My sisters always find the most interesting cards, especially my sis "Sherry" we have been giving each other several cards each birthday and it's fun to collect them throughout the year for each other.

Inside this one it says....."Right your kids are almost as old as you!"

Sad thing is they are getting close to that mark!

This one says tie it around your butt! Thanks to my lil' sis Bobbie for this one!

Now for the best part of the day we found out today Jenn and Ryan will be having a little girl next April....Danny had it predicted and he was right. They have chosen the name Eva Mae and she is growing just fine!

I met the kids and my Mom and Dad for a dinner at a local Mexican restaurant and then Sloan announced he was coming to spend the night. He told his Dad he was staying for 10 days.....Oh boy! He is here snoring as I type!

I also want to show you what came in the mail a few days ago. A very SPECIAL friend made me this beautiful cross~stitch runner and a hooked Christmas tree pin. Also, included was a stash of goodies for Sloan which he was thrilled with. You know who you are and I just want you to know it still makes me smile just knowing you stitched it up just for me!

Well what a full day filled with so many blessings! My heart is overflowing with thankfulness!

Happy Trails.....Ginger

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Drumroll......The winner is!

Thanks to all who entered the Thanksgiving giveaway of the Little Drummer Hooked Rug and the winner is Sharon of Moosecraft. It will be on it's way soon!

Pati Jane and I have listed a few items on our blog Prairie Moon Primitives. We would love for you to stop by and check out a few of our offerings. You might just see something that tickles your fancy!

We all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and now it's time to get the house decorated for Christmas and get busy shopping. I'm not a big shopper so may have to get my favorite elf to help me out!

Happy Trails...Ginger

A Day of Thanksgiving

Just want to take this time and say how very thankful I am for my family and friends! Thanksgiving has always been a special time for me....I love to think back on my childhood days and all the wonderful memories we all made. Some bring tears to my eyes knowing that those days are so long gone but then I think of the wonderful new memories that are yet to be made!

Danny started a fire in the wood stove late last night and the smell of the wood brought back so many memories...memories of both of my Grandma's now both resting in the arms of the Lord. I do miss them dearly!

So with that take time to reflect on all the blessings we have each and every day and tell those near and dear that you LOVE them for this is a time of THANKSGIVING!

We plough the fields and scatter
The good seed on the land,
But it is fed and watered
By God's almighty hand:
He sends the snow in winter,
The warmth to swell the grain,
The breezes and the sunshine,
And soft, refreshing rain.

All good gifts around us
Are sent from heaven above;
Then thank the Lord,
O thank the Lord,
For all his love.

He only is the maker
Of all things near and far;
He paints the wayside flower,
He lights the evening star;
The winds and waves obey him,
By him the birds are fed;
Much more to us, his children,
He gives our daily bread.

We thank thee then, O Father,
For all things bright and good,
The seed time and the harvest,
Our life, our health, our food.
Accept the gifts we offer
For all thy love imparts,
And what thou most desirest,
Our humble, thankful hearts.


Happy Trails.....Ginger

Monday, November 21, 2011

Back to Playing Hookie and A Road Trip

I do love pulling those wool loops and yes I'm even binding! Pati Jane and I will be updating our selling blog in a few days so need to keep those hands busy!

We took a quick road trip with our daughter and son in law over the weekend. We headed to Branson and had a great time. On the way home we stopped at this CRAZY Antique was a bit on the scary side!

They had lots of everything....need a fire hydrant or a mini ferris wheel?

Old pumps...

Need to save on about a lantern?

Cast iron skillet or cornbread pan?

All sizes and styles of crocks!

Jenn and Ryan found a really cool 4 x 4 Bug while in Branson. We enjoyed Silver Dollar City and a little bit of shopping. In no time it was time to head home again for another work week.

If you haven't entered the giveaway be sure to leave a comment on the previous post...the winner will be announced Thanksgiving evening.

Happy Trails....Ginger

Monday, November 14, 2011

Thanksgiving Giveaway!

Thanksgiving is a time of giving Thanks and I'm very thankful for all my blog friends and I'll be giving away this rug that I hooked to one of you. It is a wonderful design by Star Rug Company.

So to enter be a follower of this blog and just leave a comment and if you don't have a blog be sure and leave an email address just incase your the winner.

Drawing will be Thanksgiving evening.

Happy Trails....Ginger

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Craft Fair and Fried Pies!

We had a fun time at the Bethesda Craft Fair in Oklahoma City. Pati Jane and Sandra caught in action in the booth.

I have to say that the ladies that hosted the craft fair was probably the most hospitable group that I have ever met. The ease of set up and of course the grand offering of homemade food. Beginning with a bowl of stew and cornbread on the night of set up.

On Friday and Saturday they served Indian tacos or you could choose hamburgers or nachos. The tacos were delicious and filling! Homemade pies were also very tempting. I did enjoy a warm apricot fried pie...and I have to say it was the most wonderful fried pie I have ever had!

Oh don't let me forget the ladies that hosted the event came around to each booth and passed out fresh from the oven homemade rolls with butter :)

Pati and I did pretty good at the show but most of all we had a great time visiting! We decided to start a new blog together and offer some of our primitive handmades. We are calling it Prairie Moon Primitives and I hope you will check often to see what we have to offer.

Well it's time to climb back on the exercise wagon (those fried pies will do that to you) and get back to being healthy! I do enjoy desserts but they do seem to stick around if you know what I mean :(

Tomorrow I'm going to get some things together and have a giveaway so be sure to check back for a chance to win!

Happy Trails....Ginger

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Hook and Ink

I had a wonderful time today going to the monthly rug hooking. A big thanks to my Mom~in~Law for watching Sloan so I could go. We had such a good time. My pics of all the rugs that everyone made didn't turn out so be sure and stop by Pati's blog to see the beautiful pieces! I started this chairpad and had it finished when I left....quick and easy and a pattern by Wendy Miller of The Red Saltbox.

This evening I've been doodling around and I've been having fun trying out all kinds of faces. I read a book about using alphabet letters as part of the face. I used a few in some of them...

Well the talk of the state is all the Earthquakes and it is a bit of an eerie feeling. Then we have had lots of much needed rain even some flooding in areas....It's been one crazy year of weather!

Happy Trails....Ginger

Monday, November 7, 2011

Buried beneath....

Buried beneath all this stuff is a rug hook...surely! No the earthquake didn't shake all this loose! I'm terrible about waiting until the last minute to get things together. Oh just have a craft show to be at this weekend but no cause for alarm it's just going to be one of those weeks where I need to get busy and finish a bunch of things and hey if I don't it is what it is!

Tonight I will find that hook and some wool and pull a few loops it's been way too long! Homemade chicken pot pie for supper and rug hooking couldn't ask for a better evening.

Oops and I forgot that I was going to have a giveaway so I'll see what I can come up with this week so check back soon!

Happy Trails...Ginger

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Pocket Warmers

The wind is HOWLING across the Oklahoma Plains and thank goodness we don't have snow or it would be a blizzard outside. So just in time for all those cold hands how about some pocket warmers. They were super easy to make and I found the directions here.

Wouldn't they feel good at a ballgame or when your spending time outside on a cold wintery day! Great for kids waiting on the bus, too.

Walking around the yard today this was waving bravely in the last hoorah before the freeze comes in tonight!

Hope your staying warm in your neck of the woods :)

Happy Trails....Ginger

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

On The Go Stitching!

Here it is November once again and the days are certainly getting shorter and my nights seem to be getting longer! Got to have my therapy of pulling a needle and thread, hooking a rug, or something crafty!

I admit it....I don't sit still very well and if I do likely you'll find me dozing. So I like to have projects ready to go at a moments notice. These patterns are by Bareroots. I really like the simplicity of them. They were suppose to be candle wraps but I made a few as small penny rugs.

I'm hoping to find my flannel tomorrow evening for a lil' project I found that I want to do. If I get some made up in the next couple of days I'll share them with you.

Seems like we are going to be hit with a cold snap this week and I don't mind one bit. Might even have to find some hot cocoa and settle in a comfy chair and whip up a few projects!

I'm thinking of having another giveaway soon so check back next week and see what I come up with :)

Happy Trails....Ginger