
Sunday, April 24, 2011

A Blessed Easter Day

I do hope each of you had a blessed Easter today. We enjoyed a rainy day as we traveled to church this morning. Much needed rains have been coming down the last few days and we are so thankful for the showers.

Today I think back of the cross, the nails, the pain. I think of the grave and the sacrifice made for me. I was given a gift of life and I'm truly blessed to serve a risen Saviour.

So lift up your voice and sing.....Eternal hallelujahs to Jesus Christ the King!

Happy Trails....Ginger

Friday, April 22, 2011

It's That Time Again!

What an evening.....circulation all around us and no hidey hole. I asked Danny what's the plan if this thing turns into a tornado? Will get in the little room with the extra fridge and we will be okay. My words to him....Are You Ready To Go? His answer yes but don't want to go either but I'm ready!

It's always good to be prepared. This was right over the shop behind the house. Thank goodness no damage.

We are very thankful for the rains that are falling.
Hope your having a safe weekend!

Happy Trails...Ginger

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Stitching, Strawberries, and Picking Posies!

Been working with needle and thread a little as time allows. This was a pattern by Cedarberry Stitches.

This is my 2nd one of this great pattern by A Stitch In Time....Just a very fun piece to stitch. Once it was stitched I added it to a piece of old army blanket.

Again I have grabbed some scraps from the wool basket and have started stitching. This one isn't quite finished.

We have been enjoying a few strawberries from the very small patch I have planted in an old tractor tire. Actually a lil' boy has been enjoying them he pops them in his mouth as fast as he picks them.

The addition of the gathering room has been completed on the outside. The guys did a wonderful job. The electrician who is in his late 70's has been working on putting up lights and adding lots of elecrical outlets for us. He should be done in just a few days.

Danny and I will be completing the inside and I'm hoping it flows as smoothly as the rest has been. I want it simple and prim and I've been experimenting with a few ideas with the walls as they will be done in wood.

I have been working on the flowerbeds a little as the wind allows....goodness it has been blowing for weeks. Sloan found a patch of "flowers" he proudly announced he was picking flowers for his mommy....He had quite a handful to take home!

Now a question. I ordered a vintage punch that I'm wanting to try. Last year while at Star of Texas rug hooking camp in Fredericksburg, Karen Kahle spoke about using one of these and showed rugs she had made with one. I am wondering if anyone has tried it or seen how it is used. I want to give it a try soon....just need to find some time to give it a go. If you have used one or know about it I would love to hear your thoughts on using it.

Happy Trails....Ginger

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Reflecting Back

Sixteen years ago today I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing at 9:02am. I was working as a nurse in a hospital and was caring for the patients that I had that day. The tv's were on in most rooms and the news of the OKC Alfred P. Murrah Building being targeted by a bomb was coming across the news. It was a sad day for our state as well as our nation.

The massive explosion caused 168 people to be killed including 19 children. Over 800 others were injured. What causes someone to do something so horrendous. So many lives were effected by this senseless act.

I know as long as this earth exists there will be those who decide to choose a path that is destructive but I also know that there are many more that choose the path of caring and kindness and isn't that a much nicer path to be on!

Happy Trails....Ginger

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Family Time

Days remembered as a child came back this weekend as we met at Rock Creek Camp located at Possum Kingdom Lake near Graham, Texas. Wildfires were all around us but we still enjoyed visiting with each other.

In the above picture is my my dad's brothers and sister....we also remembered the 2 brothers that are no longer with us as well as their Mom and Dad.

We had such good times as kids going to visit Granny and all the Aunts, Uncles, and many cousins that would also come. This weekend we had the joy of stepping back in time and remembering those fond childhood memories.

I'm hoping that the youngest generations are making some fond memories that one day will have them stepping back into time and remembering the fun times they shared with their cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents.

Dad visiting with his younger brother Bill, sister in law Sandy and one and only sister Dot.

Dad and Aunt Dot

Sloan and Rylan....buddies!

Maggie, Megan, and Mandy helped me keep up with Sloan.

The house that 14 of us stayed was like a good ole' fashion slumber party!

Dad and Mom

My sis Sherry and Dad enjoying the sunset over Possum Kingdom lake....lots of smoke off in the distance.

Looking over pictures and memories from the past.

The fish fry cooks!

Mom and Dad with all of us girls and families....missing just five. Hopefully next year we can all make it!

Well I enjoyed visiting with everyone and I know in some ways it will seem like forever before next April is here once again. I'm so glad we do these reunions there is nothing quite like FAMILY!!!!

Happy Trails.....Ginger

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Another Full Day

Sometimes it's nice after a full day just to stop and enjoy a wonderful sunset. It was a beautiful day here with just a hint of a breeze and after days of winds that would blow you over it was nice to get outside and do some yard work. I'm hoping the plants thrive in the parched soil.

The ground is thirsty for water and is soaking it in as fast as it can as Sloan and I watered the trees this evening. We also moved his chicks to the outside pen. Those lil' chicks are growning fast but boy are they in the ugly stage although Sloan thinks they are cute and talks to them. He sets in the pen with them and I'm not sure what all he tells them and he says I'm not allowed to come in.

Happy Trails....Ginger

Monday, April 11, 2011

Dustbowl Days

Looks like April is going to be super busy. Our daughter Jenn took the plunge and married Ryan last Friday night. It was a very simple wedding no frills yet very nice. We will be having a reception here at the farmhouse on April 30th. They are off on a cruise to Jamaica, the Grand Caymans and Cozumel. I praying she is careful during the scuba diving time they have planned. That part has me a little okay a lot worried.

I was able to snap a quick picture of Sloan with our daughter~in~law and our son.

Sloan sure looked handsome in his suit and he insisted on wearing his tennis shoes.

Besides the wedding Danny and I were also set up at the OKC fairgrounds for the farm show. It was a good way to do some advertising for our trailers and truckbeds. While we were there I found a really neat flagpole to bring to get it up!

Back at the farm the work on the house is coming right along. This is going to be one BIG room when it is done.
We are going to enclose one little area to move our washer and dryer to. A fireplace will go into one corner and then the rest will have places for folks to sit and visit, play a game of checkers or dominoes. Of course there will be plenty of room for quilting or hooking get togethers.

The new carport area is just about done. Just a little more trim, some paint and then it will be time for some lights. Just look how brown everything is....welcome to the dustbowl! We sure need rain.

I have a few things I have finished but I will save them for another day. We are gearing up for the Doyle Family Reunion at the end of the week to be held at Rock Creek Camp at Possum Kingdom Lake in Texas. My dad's side of the family has started meeting there once a year and we really do have a great time. We have a big catfish cookout on Saturday evening and of course there are always lots of old and new stories to tell!

Now I'm off to find my rug hook!

Happy Trails.....Ginger

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

*Simple Pleasures*

I'm missing my lil' boy this week he is off visiting his other grandparents for a few days. We will have a lot of catching up to do next week. While he has been gone I've been busy finishing a few projects. I can't remember who the designer of this applique pattern is but I finally finished it this evening. I think I will actually hang it somewhere else but for now this lil' area will do.

I sewed up two mini quilts and hand quilted them today. I used an old flour sack for the backing. Very simple little quilts.

Danny and I will be busy the rest of the week setting up a booth at the farm show for our trailer and truckbed business. It is held Thursday through Saturday at the OKC Fairgrounds. It is sure to be some long hours but I'm making up a few lil' sewing projects to work on while we are there.

We are in quite a drought at this time with many areas in the fire high alert. The winds do not seem to want to cease. It is not a calm breeze it's the kind that will blow your hat off, groceries will fly out of your shopping cart, and trampolines that were held with tie downs are sent flying.....yes I know quite well.

The garden still needs planting perhaps next week I'll get that done. Fresh tomatoes and peppers sure sound good. I'm hoping that we don't have to start rationing water soon. We just need a good soaking rain to settle the dust.

Guess I better get back to those lil' packets don't want to be empty handed the next few days :)

Happy Trails....Ginger

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Strolling Down Main Street

You Might see this in downtown Purcell, Oklahoma!

Saturday morning starting at 10 am Pati, Danny and I began taking down our booth in the Auntie Mae's Antique shop. We were offered a booth in the front window and with lots of shoppers strolling down the sidewalks I'm hoping they will see something that catches their fancy and come on in!

Pati made this piece and I'm betting it will be gone in no time.....I received the same pattern as a gift and I believe it's time to get busy and make myself one!

After 8 hours of working on moving everything we were beginning to get a lil' crazy!

Saturday morning 3 of my nieces along with 2 of my sisters had a yard sale over at my daughter Jenn's house. She lives in Purcell and it makes for a perfect place for the girls to have a lemonade stand. It's been extremely windy the last few days and even with the temps soaring in the afternoons it can be a little chilly in the mornings.

The house is really coming along on the addition. I'll share a few pics in a few days. Wishing each of you a safe and happy week.

Happy Trails....Ginger